luni, 7 octombrie 2013

Our Best Selling Pet Vitamins Product Ever On The Market.

By Lamond Fearn

If we, as humans, know our best friend is sick, we will do anything within our power to help them to feel better. We would encourage our spouses and kids to do whatever it takes to stay healthy, but we should not stop with the people we love.

Our love should extend beyond people to our family pets. Humans take vitamins to promote their own health and our four legged friends need pet vitamins for the same reasons. Consider the many reasons to take vitamins for yourself and then consider the possible reasons that a pet may benefit as you do.

Certainly, your pet may get by without them, but if you want to ensure a long and healthy life for your pet, your pet needs a vitamin supplement. Vitamins can also be of enormous assistance if your pet already has an illness or health problem of some kind. Just like humans, almost all pets do benefit from a vitamin supplement. And just as there has been considerable controversy in the medical fraternity over whether humans need extra vitamins, so too do many vets dispute the need for nutritional supplements for pets.

The argument usually goes something like this: "The majority of commercial petfoods contain added vitamins.

Allergies, skin and coat problems, arthritis, tumors, cancers, cataracts, strokes and heart disease are just a few of the 50 major health problems caused by free radicals.

Vitamins increase energy and promote healthy muscle and bone growth.

Your dog will have healthier looking skin and a nice coat.

Are all vitamins the same? No, some vitamins are not what they claim to be. You should be just as selective with the brand you choose for your dog or cat as you are for yourself and your family.

But guess what? It doesn't compensate. Even the fruit and vegetables we buy today have very little in them by way of vitamins and minerals, by comparison to what they should ideally contain.

Unless you're buying organic fruit and veges direct from the farm and eating them the same day, you're not optimising your vitamin intake from fresh food.

As pet owners, we need to be sure to read the ingredients to be certain there are no unnecessary fillers or unnecessary additives.

Your pet deserves the best that you can give it. The best life, the best care, and the best vitamins that you can provide for it.

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