miercuri, 23 octombrie 2013

Pros And Cons Of Conservative Vs Liberal

By Cornelia Reyes

People have always experienced conflict. Everyone has a view of the world that is arises partly from background and experience and partly from inner conviction. Everyone is biased to some extent. In the political arena, conservative vs liberal ideas make for discussion, argument, bitter fighting, and delay. Although the process gets tiresome to follow, it is important to remember that open debate is one of the pillars of freedom.

The truth is that viewpoints change with time and experience. Many of today's conservatives are yesterday's liberals. People who once thought that war and nationalism were immoral might today vote to defend Israel at any cost or strengthen our national culture and borders. Times change and so do people.

For instance, a person who got their first credit card in college and ran up significant debt during their twenties might have learned to control their money. Having learned that 'buy now pay later' can have serious consequences, they might take a dim view of politicians who vote for popular but costly programs that tip the public budget into the red.

Liberals, however, might view present needs as more important than future stability. They want to feed the poor, heal the sick, earn a lot of money with their college education so they can pay high taxes, protect the environment while creating technology to provide new employment opportunities, and still feed off the fat of the land. After all, an ideal society can provide well for all when assets are shared, right?

The difference in viewpoint among politicians and constituencies causes political debate and sometimes unrest. Socialism calls for concentrating power and wealth in a central government which cares for the people. Conservatives tend to feel that a free enterprise system, where people are encouraged to work for wages and take care of themselves, is better. They also feel that a capitalistic country allows its citizens more personal freedom.

Others feel that people living under the poverty level might not be aware of programs that can help them. Perhaps the social worker's job is to give out this information. It's hard to draw the line between making people dependent on government aid and denying them the help they actually need. It's hard to know when a program is helpful or controlling.

There are debates over fiscal policies, national defense and foreign aid, prayer and sex ed in schools, the role of religion in public life and the definition of marriage. Policymakers debate whether the focus should be on the public or private sector of society and over what is changing the weather. It's enough to make you want to hide your head in the sand.

Conservative vs liberal is probably never going to stop, as viewpoints tend to be very diverse. Although the constant back and forth may get tiring, the alternative - one viewpoint that silences all others - is scary. Think freedom vs tyranny and keep up the attempt to see both sides and seek satisfactory compromises.

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