duminică, 20 octombrie 2013

The History And Future Of Hereford Cattle

By Elena McDowell

It is thought that Hereford cattle trace back to 1742, but it was certainly in England. The first established breeding herd was formalized in 1840 in that country. Although this breed comes from a well-watered, cool region of the world, it has done well in vastly different climates. Herefords excel both as purebreds and as the ideal cross for many other types of beef cows.

Bulls were brought to North America to improve the native animals, wild descendants of Spanish cows that came over with the earliest European settlers. The rangy wild animals were hard to domesticate, carried little flesh, and matured slowly. Herefords were able to survive in conditions ranging from Florida swamps to frozen Montana uplands, and the potent bulls soon had sturdy white-faced babies that made better beef for the hungry market.

Although the breed has changed over the years, since the market began to demand a leaner type of beef, the breeders' associations have worked to preserve the breed's qualities of early maturity, docility, and rapid conversion of feed to carcass weight. There are two associations in the States today, one for 'polled' (naturally hornless) cattle and one for the older strain. All registered American Herefords are said to descend from one potent bull, Anxiety 4.

Throughout the decades, these sound, efficient beasts have become renowned for superior performance. They were soon found from Canada to South America, supplying beef to the hungry markets of growing metropolitan areas. They also thrived in the vast territories that made up the British Empire, in all sorts of climates and conditions.

The breed is also excellent for crossing with others. Many of the exotic animals have desirable traits, like fast weight gain and growth. However, the calves are often too large for first-time heifers to deliver safely, making an initial breeding to Hereford bulls a good option. With artificial insemination (AI), the best bulls can pass their traits on to a vast number of progeny, which often prove more profitable than a pure-bred exotic. For instance, a large exotic may have a higher ratio of bone to meat than is needed for a beef-hungry market.

These reasons have kept the centuries-old British breed as the most numerous in the world. Over 50 countries use Herefords as the foundation of the industry. The progeny of one potent bull, Anxiety 4, have proved themselves over the years to be the best in over-all beef production in the States and in other parts of the world where his influence has spread.

The tenderness and juiciness of the meat is another feature that is hard to imitate. Even with new policies of grass feeding and leaner beef, the flavor of this meat is prized by many. There is even a marketed meat designated as 'Certified Hereford Beef', produced only by one or two ranches in the USA.

Hereford cattle have impressed breeders, ranchers, and feedlot managers for over two centuries. The breed has been judged worth preserving for its superior qualities. These sound, docile, and efficient animals show no signs of losing their dominance in the industry.

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