vineri, 1 noiembrie 2013

Discover The Benefits Of Quickbooks Software Discounts

By Allyson Burke

There is little difference in incorporating QuickBooks software discounts into an invoice in both the Premier and Pro versions. Though it is only the customer who can avail of this discount, it is not applicable if the buyer happens to pay in advance as it needs to be added into the invoice immediately after it is prepared. Read on to learn about the steps that need to be followed.

First go to QuickBooks and open it. Next, you will have to open your business within the application after which you need to click on Lists, Type and Discount. Having done this, look for the pop up Add New Account Discount which opens immediately.

Should you have more than one discount to offer to your client, make sure you give proper names for each discount. Names like senior and promotional discounts are appropriate. Simplicity is a key factor when thinking of names.

Proceed to the Description box and key in particulars of the discount for it to be included in the invoice print out of the customer. You can write a word or more than one word or even a phrase but take care to exclude words that are meaningless. What you write should be concise and not difficult to understand.

Adding your desired discount amount is the next step. This has to be done by clicking on the box for the Amount or percentage symbol. Always remember that when using QuickBooks the percentage symbol must always be mentioned with the amount entered if you don't want the figure to be taken as the amount in dollars.

Once you have completed this step, proceed to creating an account for Discount Expenses. The direct discounts that you provide to customers are considered to be business expenses. Due to this reason Discounts accounts are not to be applied as these discounts being offered to you are from vendors.

You may get a warning through a warning box pop up that the Discount Expenses account is not in existence, in which case you should click the OK button for it to be added. Then look for the Expenses icon which you will find on the Add New Account Window and click on it. Once that is done, you have to click OK again and revert to the New Discount screen where you have to click OK once again which will result in the discount being saved automatically.

Finally the specified discount has to be included in the column of the Item Code at the bottom of the invoice. QuickBooks automatically calculates the dollar amount as well as the percentage figure and will display the subtraction of the amount from the total sum of the invoice before factoring in the tax. Once the tax has been added, you have to either click on Save and Close or Save and New icons in order to save your invoice.

The process is now complete and your invoice has taken the discount into account. It will not take you long to discover the efficiency and accuracy of QuickBooks software discounts for calculating discounts. Convenience and simplicity are two other advantages that you will appreciate.

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