joi, 14 noiembrie 2013

What To Do When Your Girlfriend Starts Dating Another Guy

By Brent Peterson

You were bound to find out sooner or late but all the same it hurts. It hurts to know that your girlfriend left you for another guy. You knew that it was going to be difficult to get her back but now that she is with someone else you fear that you will never be able to win her over. She picked him over you. He has stolen her heart from you but you should know that all of this is only temporary. It doesn't matter how handsome he is or how much money he has. You can still win her back.

Most guys will tell you that women are attracted to guys that are rich, handsome and players. While many girls might chase after guys like this, a real woman knows that a guy like this isn't relationship material. Women soon figure out that they're being played and drop such guys like a hot potato. Real woman are attracted to a particular guy that can make her feel a certain way. Women want a guy that is genuine, unique and who is able to make her feel a range of emotions. Most woman want to feel secure in a relationship. They want to feel romance as well as know that they can count on their man to be there for them. They're looking for their rock that they can depend on when times get tough. They want to feel a special connection and understand their man without words. You can make her feel this way, right?

Since you're broken up right now, chances are that you haven't been yourself for some time. During the time leading up to the breakup and after your breakup you have probably been acting a little strange. Maybe you were so desperate to save your relationship that you acted a little crazy. You wanted to talk about things or make things right. You were willing to sacrifice whatever was necessary to win her back and as a result you came off weak, needy and desperate.

While you were doing everything in your power to make your girlfriend love you, this other guy was her refuge. While you were basically pushing her away with your behavior, the other man was there by her side listening to her and agreeing with whatever she had to say. It was easy for him. He probably didn't have to try at all to win her over. He became her best friend, her confidante and the one that she felt understood her better than anyone else in the world. He created a connection with her.

It is absolutely possible for you to use these same techniques to get your girlfriend back. Now that you understand what she needs and how your behavior affected her in the past, you can make the necessary changes. You can rebuild that connection and slowly lead her to believe that it is you that truly cares about her. She will slowly remember the happy times and forget about the bad times in your relationship. She will feel those emotions and the closeness that she had with you again. You have many things going for you that this other guy doesn't have. You have a history with your girlfriend that is filled with romance and tender moments. You are a good guy and you honestly love her with all your heart.

Get your life together and prepare yourself for getting your girlfriend back. Start to educate yourself about what she needs, wants and expects in a relationship so you can make her happy. Be yourself. After all, it was you that she fell in love with when you first got together. Understanding what it was that you did and what she fell in love with is a part of understanding her as a woman and female psychology, in general.

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