sâmbătă, 11 ianuarie 2014

Choosing An Anime Reviewer For You

By Marissa Velazquez

Anime can mean different things to different people. It covers a broad range of stories that are suitable for a number of different audiences. In order to narrow down these to find the ones you want then you have to find someone to guide you through it. This is why you should find an anime reviewer who broadly matches your opinion.

When people think of anime they tend to think of cartoons with slow motion and repeated frames. While it is true there are plenty of television series and movies like this that is just one example of the kind of work that is produced in Japan in this particular style of animation. What you choose depends on you and your personal preferences.

For example a lot of people associate it with slow motion and repeated frames. It tends to suggest fluid movement and not necessarily that much detail. However this is not necessarily the case. Hayao Miyasaki is a notable exception. As a director he painstakingly drew frames by hand, providing rich colour and detail.

Some people will use rating systems. This may involve stars or amounts out of ten. This is best if you are in a hurry and want to see what someone thinks at a glance. If it is three out of five or five out of ten then you may wish to see why they think that in order to gauge whether or not the title you are looking for will appeal to you. Often the three out of five ones tend to be in the middle, with some people enjoying them and others less so.

It is important to emphasise that in Japan it is accepted that animation is a visual artform. There is not the same idea in the Western world that it is mainly intended for children. This is why if you go to the anime section of a video store then you are likely to see a wide array of titles.

Some reviewers will use rating systems while others may simply write the review without stars or numbers. Broadly speaking the system of reviewing tends to be either a star rating out of five or assessing out of ten. With these systems lower numbers indicate a low opinion while higher numbers suggest something is brilliant and well worth your attention. While a one star or five star review is clear pay attention to any three star reviews. Think whether or not the reviewer has a personal bias and try to read between the lines!

As you read more and more you should then be able to see who offers the clearest reviews. As well as being well written they ought to be reasonably in tune with what you think. Often the best ones will be entertaining enough in and of themselves regardless of whether or not you buy or rent out the titles they recommend!

This is why it helps to look for more than one anime reviewer. Some people will do podcasts while others may present it in text form. Checking various sources will allow you to get a broad range of opinions and make it easier to find a broad consensus of opinion. Look online and you will be able to find a number of different review sites to help you explore the wide array of options available to you.

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