marți, 21 ianuarie 2014

Healthy Mouth Tips Provided By London UK Cosmetic Dentist

By John Bolton

Helpful hints are always useful no matter the subject. These tips provided by London UK Cosmetic Dentist are meant to help to bring on a smile. Not everything we hear or read about being bad for the teeth actually is, but basically if it is dark it will stain.

Pearly whites, are meant to be white. So, when drinking red wine, smoking, partaking of black coffee, and tea, this will affect the color of teeth. Clean regularly and preferably as soon after exposure as possible. Good bleaching agents are available over the counter or from most dentists, but it is not usually possible to get to a cleaning product immediately subsequent to drinking a last cup of coffee.

An apple is portable, and is a quick fix cleaning solution. Other detergent foods are celery, popcorn and carrots. So, after eating jelly tots at the movies, clean up with a portion of popcorn. Delicious.

So, it is known that teeth should be cleaned as soon after a meal as is possible. Good habits like this make for a healthy mouth and teeth. Chewing Xylitol gum has proven to be a good deterrent for tooth decay too, but get this, even a sugar gum can be used to chew bacteria away. The chewing action churns up loads of saliva, and this saliva washes away all those sugars.

A toothbrush must be thrown away every two to three months. This means completely discarded unless it is wanted for cleaning jewellery. Hanging onto, and using old toothbrushes simply boosts the bacteria transfer back into the mouth. A toothbrush should also be soft, and it seems that most dentists agree, brushing needs to be gentle.

Having a tooth repaired or removed is not fun. So hopefully, these London UK cosmetic dentist tips could mean the difference between a visit to the chair for a thorough cleaning, or for something more serious. Also beware of new fads, lemon chewing is one currently being used for whitening, and the acid in the lemons is bad for teeth. Teeth were also not designed to be used as pliers or crush ice.

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