marți, 7 ianuarie 2014

Video Training: Essential Web Properties And Tools For Online Marketing

By John Demarco

Ready to start or ramp up your current online business? With so many tools and one-click promises, it's super easy to get overwhelmed with choices. When that happens, you can

With so many tools and one-click promises, it's super easy to get overwhelmed with choices. When you experience that, one or all of these things can happen: 1) you waste time on tasks that only serve to drain your energy 2) you waste dollars on tools that don't work and 3) you avoid doing anything out of shear mental exhaustion!

There are lots of web platforms to use such as Scribd, Blogger, Weebly, Facebook, and YouTube. How do you know where to plant the flag for your online business? The answer can be found where you have the most control now and into the foreseeable future.

Help is here and we're going to cut through the clutter and noise! James Wedmore, video and online marketing strategist has just revealed some of his favorite websites and website properties you need to run your business successfully. And, yes, he does, in fact, use these exact tools in his six-figure online business.

Your Blog: Your Main Web Property

Content Platform: (not the free hosting version!)

Build Your Customer Base

You're primary goal is not traffic because traffic is not enough! Once they walk out, you could be forgotten quicker than a dog chasing a squirrel!

You provide a simple way to join your community. This is achieved partly through an opt-in page (the mechanics of list building) and partly by content (the art of list building). They need a "why" and a "way" for opting in! is by far the best tool for this.

Not long after you start populating your website with content in the form of video, articles, graphics, and trainings you're going to wonder how you can actually make money with all this information you are creating. The answer is: Selling!

Now, what that "something" is will depend on what your business is. null

You gotta sell something!

What you sell is obviously tied to your business. null

Whatever it is, you need a sales page. The tools you use for your virtual sales team include:

So how to you set it all up? Don't get stuck here...hire someone to do it for you! You can find someone who does this stuff for a living that will take that template and make it come to life on your site!

Once you invest in the templates don't get stuck with implementation just because you don't know how to code. The most important thing is to implement and get your ideas to market as quickly as possible. A talented freelancer can help you do that.

Paid Content and Training

How to you increase your company value? Offer extra value on a subscriber-only or paid basis!

Do make this work, you need to have a sort of "gateway" where you content is protected. There are a few moving parts involved to make all this work, but the website tools include:

Next: Put it Together

What do you think? While you may use other tools, these are four of the basics for building an online business.

Start now to put your own online business system in place. Enjoy the journey.

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