marți, 11 februarie 2014

Information About Ducted Air Conditioning

By Bob Woodhouse

If you intend to regulate temperature in a number of rooms within your home or apartment, it would be necessary to use ducted heating and cooling air conditioning technique. The systems come in numerous energy sizes so that they can be comfortably used in both large and small areas. Depending on their energy consumption, they are run on either three or two phase power supply. With it no bulky units fitted on the walls.

The systems are designed with unique features which makes them more efficient. The devices are intelligent in a manner that they detect on all factors which could affect individual comfort including the inside and outside temperatures. When temperatures change, stability is obtained by comparing the preferred settings with the current levels and automatically makes necessary adjustments.

This intelligence enables them to get rid of excessive cooling and heating which saves much energy. The conditioners can even regulate the humidity intensity in a room when air turns out to be sticky. The apparatus function silently and therefore do not disturb residents at night.

The indoor unit of the system is located in a place subject to access either in the roof cavity or even beneath the floor of the house. The outdoor unit is connected to indoor component using cables or pipes. A duct is connected to inside unit to service a number of areas in the house via the ceiling, floor or wall guides.

Ducted air conditioning enable people to regulate different areas in a building in a manner that some are off while others are functioning. This method of regulating temperature has been verified to be efficient since it is cost effective. Fully installed system keeps residents comfortable while living in their apartments.

The system is designed by qualified personnel in a manner that is simple to use. Complete systems are balanced with dampers which help to reduce and increase the rate of airflow in the outlets until even an air supply is attained in all rooms. Opposed blade dumpers help to give a smooth and silent air movement.

Complete systems must be fitted with isolators which are used to disconnect input power such that residents do not have to look for the main source. Ducted heating and cooling air conditioning system is disconnected from the mains when it experience some mechanical problems and therefore needs to be examined. With it the outside units are conveniently situated in groups or polyslabs.

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