duminică, 23 februarie 2014

More Reasons To Visit The Chiropractor For Hip Pain

By Jeanette Suzy Banual

Hip pain can be attributed to a number of causes including, but not limited to subluxations of the spine, joint dysfunction, nerve pressure, and chronic conditions resulting in degeneration. The entire body is supported by the hips and legs where it facilitates mobility, flexibility, and provides greater levels of strength. These particular physical components will sustain damage and become weak when exposed to continuous pressure and strain requiring intervention for relief.

The hip is described as the largest of the ball and socket joints within the body and serves to connect the femur or thighbone to the pelvic region. These bones are supported and prevented from chafing where cartilage is present; however, should cartilage become worn it will result in increased swelling and discomfort. While degeneration such as arthritis is responsible for symptoms, it can also be attributed to previous traumas, fractures, and dislocations.

In many cases the pain one experiences as coming from the hips may actually be coming from the sacroiliac joint, which is called the SI joint. The SI joint is located close to the bony area just above the buttocks. These joints move with a sliding, gliding action. Since pain may be located in the hip, leg, groin, buttocks and thighs many individuals are unsure of the cause for the discomfort.

Women who are pregnant or have already delivered babies have a higher risk for development of problems pertaining to the SI joints. Those who have postural stress from sitting or driving for extended periods of time also experience increased strain in the pelvic area resulting in aches and limitation noted. A chiropractic doctor's role is to work to eliminate alleviating the hip pain through realigning the pelvis and rehabilitating the area with exercises for strength and support.

The medical model for the treatment of such conditions advises on the use of NSAID drugs, steroid injections, and anti-inflammatory medications. The limitation of such option is the fact that it will not attend to the source for symptoms, but deliver temporary relief. Such alternatives will also place strain on normal physical function and delay healing processes.

The chiropractor will apply procedures that serve to address the individual causes for such dysfunction with naturally based methods. A conventional chiropractic adjustment is one of the most popular applications when it comes to addressing the misaligned SI joint. A professional evaluation of functioning and X-rays will be necessary to identify source for painful symptoms.

A professional therapist is able to implement adjustment methods in a safe and controlled manner with firm thrusts to restore the alignment of the affected joints. Such techniques are created to relieve a great deal of the pressure that is placed on delicate nerves with the aim of enhancing overall mobility. Such measures will be implemented according to individual patient needs.

To strengthen the tissues against the possibility of future injuries, the chiropractor will often prescribe exercise methods. A comprehensive approach is adopted when it comes to the measures required to address problems of the SI joints and similar physical structures. Relief from hip pain can be achieved with safe and naturally based techniques.

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