joi, 6 februarie 2014

There's No Lack Of American Political Commentary

By Jerri Perry

Passionate men and women are engaging in American political commentary, eager to get their point of view across to citizens whose votes may decide the future. They try to keep confused, discouraged citizens engaged in politics, so that they will vote and also contact their representatives to let them know their views. It would be nice if there was a 'truth meter' to determine the accuracy of news reports and opinion pieces; unfortunately this does not exist.

America is currently a fragmented society. Racial tensions, conservative versus progressive values, and differing opinions on economic issues, foreign policy, and the role of government have made working together hard on many levels. Unfortunately, money is involved in every area of life, and this fact helps to make both public and private people biased and inflexible.

Both conservative and liberal commentators become celebrities, and people love calling in to add to the discussion or leaving comments on blog sites. The issues are so complex that people often are undecided about which view is most worthy of their support. The underlying view of the world that each contributor holds often defines their position, which is why there are such great differences in opinion on every topic.

The mainstream media seizes on every mistake made by conservative politicians while virtually ignoring - at least in the headlines - what many see as serious problems in the current administration or Congress. Major bills are considered by Congress with little effort being made by anyone to publicize the contents of each bill, while Hollywood celebrities are showcased past the saturation point.

Many conservatives are Christians, with a world view that dictates their politics. Unfortunately, this viewpoint might make no sense whatsoever to others. Christians look to God for guidance and provision, and are notorious all over the world for embracing personal freedom and resisting tyranny. They don't believe that government should control social issues or that government should decide moral questions.

Stronger frameworks for public policy, like a strict interpretation of the Constitution or a balanced budget amendment, could make deep divisions in our society less likely. However, today it seems that party politics reign supreme, with representatives voting along party lines rather than their own convictions. Many people don't believe that legislators have the good of the country or the public as their motivation.

Controversy rages on many subjects. Those who receive benefits don't want to give them up, while the taxpayers who pay for them feel unjustly burdened. Some lawbreakers receive unduly harsh punishment under federal minimum sentencing laws, while illegal aliens are clamoring for amnesty, rights, and services. Public schools fail to educate, while parents question the federally-funded curriculum. Failing banks, working with government regulations and requirements, are bailed out while many people lose their homes as their jobs evaporate.

Well, there's a lot to say, and American political commentary is saying it. Whether you are afraid of climate change or think the sun is in charge, think marriage is between a man or a woman or think it's more open, think the states should run the schools or like the Common Core, you can find support for your position. God help us all.

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