vineri, 28 martie 2014

Essential Safe Social Networking Tips

By Alex D White

There has been an increase in the number of individuals making use of different social media websites like Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and Instagram. However, with the increase in the popularity of these websites, there has also been an increase in online criminals. Some of these criminals include hackers, identity thieves, virus writers and spammers. Therefore, to ensure that unauthorized individuals cannot access your account, it is advisable to be aware of some safe social networking skills.

You should ensure that you choose the social network you would want to join carefully. You can join many different social network sites depending on what you want. Before joining the network, it is crucial for you to evaluate the site and find out if you the website monitors the content that members post. It would also be critical to find out if the website protects personal information of members or people can be able to access this information easily. Take your time evaluating the different sites until you find a suitable one.

It is critical that you are aware of the kind of information you may have posted about yourself. It is very easy for hackers to either access financial accounts or other accounts and simply click the "forgot password" link on your account. They may then break into your social network account and answer the security question based on the information that you have provided on your account. Therefore, it is advisable to come up with your own security questions and be careful about what you post.

It is important that you exercise caution when clicking links that you receive in messages from friends on your social websites. Some of these links could expose you to different viruses. Some people may also be able to see your private information when you click these links.

It is also important for one to be careful when installing extras on their site. Several social media websites allow third party applications that can enable you to do more with your personal page. In some cases, criminals may use these applications to steal some of your personal information. It is always important to ensure that you exercise some safety precautions when using any other program that you are downloading from the web.

You should not simply accept anyone as your friend on a social network website. This is because many thieves may create fake profiles in order to access different accounts. Therefore, ensure that you know someone pretty well before you accept them as your friend.

Email marketing works by a company sending marketing information to different emails. Some companies may scan your e-mail address book in order to send information to these emails. You should make use of different approaches to ensure that people cannot access your email-address book.

It is critical that you do not just trust a message by its face value. In some cases, the message may not actually come from the person from whom it may be indicated it that it is coming from. Hackers can very easily break into different accounts and send messages that may appear as though they are from your friends, but in actual sense, they are not. Embracing some of these social networking tips will enable you to enjoy your time using different social network sites.

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