joi, 27 martie 2014

How To Implement Facebook Marketing In Your Business

By Meagan Smith

Facebook is not just a place to pass the time, if you have a business and you learn the proper skills and gain the right knowledge you can turn Facebook into your own private piggy bank. In this article we are going to talk about some techniques you can implement on Facebook to help you gain more traffic, leads and sales for your business. Once you learn how to properly promote and sell on Facebook you'll have no problem growing your business.

The first thing you need to remember is that Facebook is a social network. People are not there to buy stuff, if they wanted to do that they might go to sites like Ebay or Amazon. Constantly pitching your product or business opportunity is not the right way to build a following. If you are using your profile then remember that you can only have 5000 friends, choosing your friends carefully will make a huge difference.

Acquiring new friends is one way to increase your reach. Browse popular groups in your niche and connect with people by sending friend requests to those you believe share the same interests as you. This is the slow way of building a following but if you want the fast way we strongly recommend you get a personal Facebook page.

A Facebook page allows you to build a following of thousands of people with no limits. The best part is that you can target your fans based on their likes, age, location and more. This allows you to target what you believe is the perfect audience for your business, product or service. With a small budget of $10-$15 per day you could grow your page into thousands of fans that are likely to follow you and become a new customer for your business or product.

The success of your Facebook page will be based on the type of content you post on your page. Posting content like pictures, videos and links that will motivate your fans to comment, like or share is exactly what you want. We recommend that you take the time to research these strategies and take action. The best way to learn is by practicing these techniques and learning from your own mistakes.

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