miercuri, 12 martie 2014

Why Self Hypnosis For Weight Loss Is So Effective

By Jaclyn Hurley

Ordinarily, people consult hypnotherapists that are skilled in the art of creating trance states in clients for purposes of behavioural change. Inducing such mental states for therapeutic goals involves helping clients achieve a meditative mood of utter tranquillity, so that subconscious reprogramming - stimulated by specific suggestions from the hypnotherapist - can happen easily, and effectively. Self hypnosis for weight loss, or other behavioural change goals, uses the same principles, but without the aid of another person.

Hypnotherapy helps people change unwanted behaviours effectively because it essentially reprograms the deeper, subconscious personality. This is why clients see hypnotherapists to help with quitting smoking, or gambling, or to achieve greater levels of confidence, for instance. It does not matter what the therapeutic goals are, the important point is to reprogram the deeper mind through inducing a state of hypnotic trance.

Newcomers to hypnotic induction will be better off consulting the right professional first, to not only experience what it is like, but also to learn the proper techniques. One will also get ample opportunity in the presence of an experienced professional to practice and rehearse mastering the technique for purposes of self induction. It is the only way to make sure the wished-for goals can be achieved, and to avoid disappointment, and wasting time.

Much of learning to reprogram the subconscious mind hypnotically involves replacing old, limiting, self-defeating beliefs and behaviours with new, empowering ones. It is in essence a matter of offering specific, appropriate suggestions to the mind while it is deeply at ease. Moreover, in that mental mode of utter calm and alertness, the person gets to visualize many times over what the new personality looks and feels like, after having reached the desired goals.

Before going into a self induced hypnotic state, it is vital to have clarity about what the habits and beliefs are one wishes to change, and what the sought after, alternatives ones are. Perhaps, some behaviours that contribute to being overweight includes impulsive eating, consuming lots of food when feeling anxious, or eating whenever one feels bored, for example. It would be a good idea to compile a list of key limiting beliefs and problem habits before proceeding with hypnosis, just to be clear what ought to be the focus of attention.

For example, a person might want to change negative thoughts and beliefs like, 'I will never get thinner, ' or, 'there is no point in trying to get rid of extra fat.' In addition, one might want to focus on new, empowering actions that could include eating healthier foods, chewing food slowly, eating smaller portions, and going for regular, brisk walks. Part of the hypnotic reprogramming might also entail imagining oneself actually looking thinner, and wearing clothes that fit comfortably on a trimmed-down body, for instance.

Hypnotically induced suggestions for therapeutic purposes are not about wished-for fantasies. Fantasizing about losing excess pounds is not going to help, if no concrete action is taken to address the issue. Applying under self-generated hypnotherapy is one such action step, and a powerful one that delivers sought-after outcomes, if done correctly, consistently, and with patience.

Successful hypnotherapy, even when self-initiated, have worked for individuals that have practised it often enough. People that have managed to achieve the hoped-for body size and shape through regular sessions are evidence of its effectiveness. It may not work for everyone, but it has, and continues to, deliver the desired outcomes for many people.

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