duminică, 27 aprilie 2014

The Case Of A Muslim Antichrist

By Eloise Hewitt

Religion, so to speak, seems to be one of the most controversial phenomena the world has ever seen. Whether you form part of the body of Christ, come from an Islam community or believe in nothing, strange questions and myths will always revolve religion. There is a belief that a false ruler is going to rise from the Islam community and if anything, a Muslim Antichrist must come.

This is the most popular myths among people trying to foresee the future, particularly the events that must take place before the Day of Judgment. People believe that the Islamic community perfectly identifies the religion of a false ruler. This, if anything, is what contributes to the general belief that the best will come from the Islamic community.

Islam is a religion that is currently going through great revolution. With so many Bible believers rising on a daily basis, this religion is probably on the rise on a daily basis. The mistake that most people make is trying to look for the beast in what they already perceive as evil. Because there is really no conviction presented in such perception, this becomes the most unforgiving way for interpreting the foretold future.

The reason why most of the evidences available do not hold is that they have nothing ideal to tell, as they are full of untrue religious information. Of course, such a thing alone is completely laughable. What is funny enough is that one religious leader even goes ahead to claim that the name Allah in Arabic is in Greek book of Revelation chapter 13 right where the chapter mentions the mark of the beat.

The fact that he claimed that Arabic was in Greek is itself doubtful. Generally, it takes someone with Biblical knowledge and inspiration to analyze such a claim. Again, it shows that people really do not have the understanding of how the beast will present himself before the Day of Judgment.

One of the areas where people are missing out is the fact that Allah is the name the Islam communities use to refer to God, just as you have a name, which your communities use as a general term to mean God. The main area where many people miss out is the lack of understanding that the beast will claim to be above all. A time will come during his reign when he will claim that is he greater than God is and deserved to be worshiped by the nations of the earth.

According to the book of Daniel 11:37, this false ruler will not show regards to any gods of his fathers, the god women long for or any other known god. He will magnify himself and see himself greater than the true God of heaven. You should note that this false ruler would believe in nothing but himself. Paul even goes ahead and tells the Thessalonians that the beast will regard himself mightier and care about no one.

It is hard to believe that a Muslim would claim to be powerful than God. If they did not put much faith in God as they really do, it would have been a different case. In short, this claim is farfetched unless otherwise.

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