luni, 7 aprilie 2014

What You Should Know Before You Attend Couples Counseling

By Pat Skeats

Relationship counseling is a process by which the parties in a relationship seek outside help in order to recognize and manage problems within the relationship. Every marriage experiences troubles at some time for a variety of reasons. Many people choose to go to couples counseling in order to prevent the marriage from breaking down.

This is also known as relationship therapy. It may be either short term, lasting between one to three sessions, or it may be long term, lasting for several months or even years. The length of time varies for each couple, depending on different factors such as how much progress is being made and whether they can afford to continue the sessions.

One solution that is used to repair the relationship is to try and change the perceptions and emotions of the individuals. This means getting them to look at or respond differently to situations and how they feel about them. Our perceptions and emotional responses in a relationship are often contained in what some psychologists call a love map. The emotions in a love map can be explored together and discussed openly with our partner. The core values in a love map can be understood and respected by our partner or we can change them when they are no longer appropriate.

The purpose of using love maps is to illustrate the idea that that each person must take responsibility for awareness of the problems in the relationship. Each person must be aware of how they contribute to the problem and start to make changes in how they think and feel about things.

As cultures modernized and the western world saw nuclear families become more prevalent, there was a shift towards training people to become accredited relationship counselors or therapists. Volunteers can be trained by a Government agency or a social service group in order to help those in need of family therapy. Some communities have their own groups of volunteers who can help others.

These types of services are also operated by universities and colleges, normally on a pro bono basis. Therapy centers are often staffed by student volunteers, led by a member of the college faculty. Many larger companies also have a full-time professional therapist on staff to assist employees who are experiencing personal problems.

Some methods of relationship therapy focus on the process of communication. The method most commonly used is called active listening, developed by Carl Rogers and Virginia Satir. This helps each partner to learn how to communicate in a way that creates a safe environment for each individual to express their feelings.

Before a relationship can be improved between two people so that they can understand each other, it is important to first acknowledge that each person is unique and has their own personality and set of values that influences them. People may adhere to their different value systems without examining them. The nature of a person may be shaped by social and religious groups, among other things, which is why this must be considered during the process of therapy.

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