vineri, 16 mai 2014

Advantages Of Uniform For Schools

By Barun Kumar

The issue of uniforms started a long time ago. Perhaps you are wondering why all schools put stress on their students having school uniforms right from the kindergarten to high school and sometimes even colleges. Well, there are several benefits of uniform for schools. Uniforms are not only good for the students but also their teachers, parents, guardians and the community at large.

Schools need uniforms to promote equality among their diverse group of learners. This helps them to avoid cases whereby a student may want to brag about some expensive clothing to those who are economically handicapped. Such practices may have an effect of lowering the self-esteem of those who cannot afford such clothing. Having uniforms for every student ensures equality and provides common purpose, which is that of academic excellence.

Uniforms are useful in identifying students from different schools. You will realize that it is so easy for you to know where that boy you see on the street each morning and evening learns by just looking at his uniform. The public can easily report to the school authorities should anything befall the boy or in case he misbehaves in the street. Uniforms may be as old as human kind but still they are the most effective way of identification.

Uniforms also bring some formality in schools. Imagine if students were to put on their tastes in school. Definitely, the schools will look shambolic and turn into a fashion show. There will be all sorts of dressing codes ranging from the conventionally accepted ones to the highly controversial modes of dressing. A school is a place that manufactures useful men out of boys and it is therefore best that formality starts there.

Uniforms have an effect of boosting discipline among students. Every student you see walking down that dusty road is equally capable of doing the nastiest thing you ever thought of. That uniform on him holds him back since he knows you may report him to the school authorities and that will mean punishment from the school. He will not do anything contrary to societal morals as he considers such actions similar to suicide.

Students will likely join formal settings like meetings, work places or colleges later on in their lives. The routine of wearing uniforms prepare them in advance for these stages of their lives and help them adjust with less strain to this change. Uniforms are a sure way of knowing whether one is likely to follow the rules in force in the organization without flouting even the simplest of the rules. One who comes in a loose tie or without a tie each morning is sure to disobey other rules as well.

Uniforms give students a sense of pride since they know they belong to that school. A school that is associated with positive things earns respect from the public and so does its students. Everybody wants to associate with that school that recently hit news headlines for winning national drama festivals or examinations. Students from that kind of school usually pride themselves as top achievers.

Wearing school uniforms is now synonymous to going to school. Although this subject has received criticism from various quarters, it has become inevitable for students to comply to the school system. Schools have introduced different uniforms to help differentiate uniforms from students in different grades.

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