marți, 6 mai 2014

Bobby Jain & The Credit Card Fees To Avoid

By Robin Setser

With so many credit card options out there, it's clear that some entail more fees than others. While you may be able to understand certain fees at the onset, there are others which may not be as obvious to you. If you are concerned about credit card fees, you should understand some of the most prominent examples and ways that you can best avoid them. In order to gain more information, Bobby Jain may be able to lend you a detailed set of tips to follow.

According to an article on Wall St. Cheat Sheet, one of the top five credit card fees are annual fees. While there are quite a few options that will allow you to steer clear of such fees, other options are not as fortunate. As a result, the fees may spring up on customers when they least expect it. There are a number of other credit cards that can be looked to instead, the Chase Slate option perhaps one of the most general, not to mention recommended.

There are a couple of ideas to consider when it comes to the penalty fee as well. For one, the article said that the late payment fee can come about when the payment in question is received by the bank after the listed due date. Another element is the over-limit fee, which is what can come about when your balance exceeds your credit line. In order to avoid penalty fees of all types, think about setting up automatic payments at your bank the next time you go there.

Finally, you will want to draw your attention to the cash advance fee and Bobby Jain may tell you the same. It seems as though there are many cards which have fees of 3 percent and they come with minimums that can be as small as $5 and as large as $10. On the surface, it may appear as though you will take a hit but this is where a certain level of care should be taken. If you'd like to know, names such as Jain will tell you that it is important to keep your card away from the idea of cash advance.

As you can see, there are various credit card fees and each of them can provide an impact to your financial health. Consumers, as a result, should better understand what it is that they need to know about potential credit card choices so that they do not wind up making poor decisions. After all, certain fees do not have to be endured. If you are still hesitant about signing up for a credit card, it is in your best interest to conduct further research in order to better understand the pros and cons of several options.

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