vineri, 2 mai 2014

The Founding Of The Pentecostal Churches In Katy TX

By Tracie Knight

The United States of America has a number of denominations that emphasize the work of God for the Christian believers. All Pentecostal churches in Katy TX include a large number of denominations, administrations and some Para-church organizations that highlight the power of the Holy Spirit to Christians. These churches are very popular in the state of Texas and therefore many residents are member of this denomination which is constantly growing.

The Pentecostal church derives its name from the book of acts based on the events that took place on that particular day of Pentecost. These churches are different from others because they believe in the possibility of things that happened to the apostles during the period of Pentecost happening today. They trust that the people will be christened by the Holy Ghost and later they will be able to express themselves in tongues.

The churches also believe in present days work of the Holy Spirit such as healing, prophecy, miracles and other mystic manifestations that were described inside the bible in Corinthians. They believe that the power of mighty Holy Spirit is real and can deliver people from their oppressions.

There are a lot of theological views and traditions that are held by the members of this church. The church was first recognized in the northern part of the American continent some time in the twentieth era. Charles F. Parham who was a minister was one of the first people to lead people in this denomination. He examined the scripture book of acts together with its followers and came to the conclusion that the happenings during that time can happen to the present day Christians.

The members of this church are usually known all over the sphere for good work of mobilizing people to believe in God. The church has various Christian related missions that take place everywhere in the world. They teach people the importance of trusting in God and the Holy Spirit. Many people in world are urged to join this denomination during these missions.

Pentecostalism has been able to meet the needs of many persons who make the society. They have managed over a period of time to change the lives of many people. It has been very effective in bringing people to establishing a good relationship with God. They also help to teach the non-believers about the importance of having a close relationship with God and also on the powers of the Holy Spirit.

Within the people who identify themselves as part of this denomination there are those small sects that categorize themselves with the inexplicable views. These beliefs are not shared by most of the Pentecostal cathedrals. Some of these practices may include the handling of snakes and believing that anyone who speaks in tongues can be saved. These beliefs by the small sects have however been generalized as those of the whole Pentecostal church and unrealistic stereotypes done by many tabloids and TV news.

There are several different churches which lie beneath the Pentecostal churches classification. There are very many Pentecostal churches that can be found in Katy TX and can be accessed in an easy way by way of internet directory amenities. There are just about 30 churches that advocates of this church can pick from very easily.

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