joi, 1 mai 2014

Those Electric Bikes Toronto Residents Are Riding Improve Fitness And Air Quality

By Tracie Knight

Pedal power is one of the secrets of living a longer life through daily activity. While necessary, office jobs usually include long hours sitting motionless before a computer screen without benefit of any exercise period to kill the stress. The electric bikes Toronto residents are riding in growing numbers are an excellent way to fight this sedentary trend, and improve overall well-being.

One reason for this welcome development is the passage of time. The post-World War II baby boomer generation can no longer realistically ignore the fact that they are now officially becoming senior citizens. This huge demographic group also matured with a greater emphasis on staying physically fit, and riding a bicycle is an excellent way to encourage aerobic good health throughout life.

These ideas have been adopted by people of all ages, who also realize that these battery-powered two-wheel devices are unique. The newer models depart from the strictly youthful image of riders in sleek outfits sporting designer logos. Voltage-driven machines are somewhat bulkier, have slightly fatter and wider tires, and are often more expensive than other pedal-powered vehicles.

Although they are a step up from other chain-driven two-wheelers, city and local governments generally apply non-powered rules to daily operation. Most have the capability of achieving a top speed in excess of only twenty miles per hour, but exceeding that capability risks re-classification as a motor bike or scooter, which requires licensing. They are usually allowed on any pathway a regular bicycle legally travels.

Potential buyers may share a common concern regarding the efficacy of a battery pack, and whether it can really tame the hills in their neighborhood. While there are differences in basic power limits, users need not worry about sliding backwards down an incline. The steepest hills may need a little help from the manual crank, but in general riders find the battle against gravity winnable.

Like any rechargeable device, battery power must be renewed regularly. Depending on usage, these modules provide a range of 20-30 miles, and the type of terrain and common weather conditions can cause those figures to vary. Compared to auto mileage the numbers seem uncomfortably low, but in reality most people who ride that distance on a daily basis are able to recharge overnight.

Some riders may be tempted to rely solely on the powered options, but the health advantages are more evident when the pedals are engaged. Forget the dry statistics, because gliding silently through the open air is exhilarating, and can do more to improve overall mental health than most medications. A scooter or motorcycle spewing exhaust may sound more exciting, but most people prefer the strong, silent acceleration.

While the benefits of abandoning fossil fuel vehicles are well documented, the more personal health advantages enjoyed by those who ride consistently, no matter how old they are, are equally attractive. These machines are not cheap, and they can still be stolen if left unattended. But, as a way to enjoy better health while making it easier for others to breathe, an electrically powered bicycle is an excellent option.

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