joi, 26 iunie 2014

Three Categories Of Home Electronic Gadgets That Make Life Easier

By Faisal Rodgers

Electronic gadgets used in the home have been popular ever since Grandma and Grandpa bought their first phonograph. Of course things have progressed a bit since then. Today we have so many electronic gadgets it is necessary to categorize them into three principal groups.

ENTERTAINMENT GADGETS FOR THE HOME -Ever since Uncle Miltie first entertained families back in the early 1950s, people have enjoyed gathering around the family TV. Actually, things haven't changed that much. Of course our TV's are flatter and have larger screens with high definition images. But families still enjoy popping up a bowl of popcorn and gathering around the set to watch a good movie or a favorite TV show.

Now, however, a whole industry of TV add-ons has popped up. There are DVRs, DVD and Blu-Ray players, theater sound systems and a host of others. Game consoles are huge these days. Families use them not just for playing electronic games but also to stream Internet videos and watch movies. COMMUNICATION DEVICES -Several electronic gadgets fall under this category, including computers, smart phones and e-tablets. In fact just about any electronic gadget that is used to gather and dispense information fits the category.

3. Cooking Gadgets - Cooking is not what it used to be a century ago, that's for sure. Nobody has to spend hours doing things by hand, when there are so many types of mixers, blenders, rice cookers, microwave ovens or crockpots. Even stoves are like real gadgets today, full of cool functions that enable anybody to have fun while cooking. Even the simple refrigerator can come with an integrated DVD player or TV set, so you can watch your favorite shows while handling those mixers and other kitchen gadgets.

GADGETS IN THE KITCHEN - Now let's come to everyone's favorite --- kitchen gadgets! It's been a long time since our mothers had to spend all day preparing dinner. Now there are microwave ovens, toaster ovens, rice cookers, crock pots, coffee & espresso makers, pasta makers, bread machines and a whole host of other kitchen gadgets. Convenience has certainly made everything more delicious! When you think about it, the progress made in the last 100 years is probably the most dramatic in human history. Keep that in mind the next time you pick up one of the electronic gadgets that make life easier in your home.

Gone are the days when a television set was the only entertainment gadget. Blu-Ray players have replaced VHS players, and normal TV sets have been replaced by digital smart TV's. Radio systems have been upgraded to HI-FIs, and video game consoles have become the order of the day. Although everything seems to have evolved within half a decade, entertainment is all the same, and any gadget used for this purpose is categorized as an entertainment gadget. Computers are sometimes used as entertainment gadgets especially if solely used for gaming purposes. One can also improve his/her entertainment styles by using an iPod and other portable entertainment gadgets in production today.

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