luni, 21 iulie 2014

Enjoying Your First Prog Rock Concert

By Monique Potts

You have been looking forward to your first event to attend involving your favorite band. You have never really been into a Scandinavian prog rock event before. You're excited, yes. But you are a little apprehensive too, over the fact that you might not be to sure how to act when attending these events. Taking note of things that you need to do is going to be very helpful.

Arrive at the venue early. Remember, these kinds of events tend to cater to people in the thousands. So, you would want to be able to successfully find your seat before the rest of the throng comes in. Walking half a mile evenbefore you can get to your assigned seat can be such a stressful task when there are a lot of people that you have to go through.

There are security people and ushers that would be present in the area as well. You can always refer to them if there seems to be issues with you finding your assigned seats. Also, they would be giving you advise on what it is that you are expected to do when in the venue. Listen to them. They are tasked towards keeping your safety and the others who will be joining the event.

Be sure to follow the rules. The rules are put in place because they make it easier for the authorities to get everybody to act in the way that they are supposed to act. Behave responsibly too. This is very important so you can trust that you will enjoy the show and at the same time, ensure that you will also not end up getting yourself into any trouble as a result.

Stay polite to the people who will be attending the event. You wouldn't want to push or shove others especially when you have to get to the restrooms, buy merchandise or get food and beverage. You would not want to get into a brawl when you could be patient and you could actually take the time to wait for your turn.

Do not be disrespectful with bands that you do not really like that much, there is a high possibility that there my be other performers that you might not fancy yourself. That is fine, just be sure to respect them still. Try not to be way too vocal with your dislike with them. Many people tend to be very sensitive with stuff like these. So, don't stir things up because you were impolite.

Make sure that you are dressed right of the occasion too. It is very important that you will take the right steps to ensure that you are able to be comfortable and convenient of the retirement event. In this case, make sure that you will dress in jeans and shirt. Sneakers would be a good choice for your footwear too as there is going to be a lot of treading that will be involved here.

Enjoy. Have fun. This is not something that you can really happen to you always. So, you want to take steps to really get to have as much as you can when attending the event.

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