marți, 25 noiembrie 2014

Know How To Treat Baby Eczema Naturally

By Ida Dorsey

Eczema is an illness that mainly affects babies. This is typically an allergy largely caused by diets and some materials in the surroundings. The main signs of this allergy are inflamed, dry skin and at times removal of discharge. It can be quite heart breaking to watch a child suffer from this problem hence remedies must be found early enough. Natural medicines are better than non-natural ones. The following recommendations can teach every caregiver how to treat baby eczema naturally.

Tea tree is one of the most common natural remedies for baby eczema. This is a good remedy because it eases the child from pain by reducing itchiness. It is usually used when bathing the kid by adding it in their bath water every day. By doing this, some infections will be prevented from happening to the skin of the child.

There are some eczema infections that only affect the scalp. For this reason, there will not be need to bath the whole body with tea tree. In this case, it will be added to the hair shampoo that is normally used for the infant. It is best if the shampoo is fragrance free. The person washing the child is required to soak their head with the shampoo for a few minutes to give time for it to work.

After washing the baby, the nanny should dry him a little bit to remove the extra water but make certain the kid is not too dried. After doing this, witch hazel may be applied especially to the inflamed regions which will most probably be reddish. Witch hazel is nevertheless known to be too strong and therefore it should be weakened using some water.

The next thing to do in this natural remedy procedure is to massage the kid with organic olive oil. The oil should however be micro-waved to make it warm because it is going to be used on a baby. Immediately after the oil has been applied, raw sheer butter should be applied on their entire body. This will help their body stay moisturized throughout the day.

To ease itchiness just in case it is affecting the baby, Aloe Vera can be applied on their skin especially on the affected areas. All the mentioned things must be done every single day in the correct way and the results will show after one week. The most important thing however is to eliminate all things that trigger the reaction from the life of the infant.

Once an infant is affected by this illness, very few remedies can be able to stop it utterly. The strategies stated above are simply ways that will assist to diminish the impacts of the allergy. Some babies have the disease reduce in time as they get old. Controlling the illness is however simpler for infants than older children because it is difficult to monitor what the child takes when they are out playing.

Eczema can however be prevented according to research. Children born in a family with a history of this condition have more chance of getting it hence they must be handled with more care. Their parents can also reduce their risk of getting it by controlling their diet when they are pregnant.

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