luni, 17 noiembrie 2014

What To Look For In Credit Repair Firm Reviews

By Chana Ayotte

Credit Repair Charlotte NC is different than other credit repair companies. Many credit repair companies limit the number of letters they send out on your behalf every month. This can drastically slow down your credit repair efforts. If you have 10 negative accounts, it could take months to address all of the accounts just one time.

That's all that needs to be done for that account with that reporting agency. If the response says it has been verified, we look at the information they sent to verify the account to see if it's actual verification. It's common for a creditor to say they have verified an account without actually producing any of the required documents. They are banking on the fact that you don't know what's required and will give up, most people do.

Some of the correspondence will say the information was "deleted", remains, verified or you may receive a stall tactic. A stall tactic is when a creditor requests you provide information that you are not required providing in an effort to slow down or stop you from an increase your credit score when you fix your credit.

When this happens Credit Repair Charlotte NC will escalate the tone of the request requests sent on your behalf. This can take a couple rounds and occasionally take several rounds. If you really want to know how to fix your credit and increase your credit score, this is the foundation of a solid credit repair process. Our team of professionals knows what is required to report the various types of accounts and we work until the information is properly verified or deleted from your reports.

This is why we are able to produce results that other companies simply can't. Now you know what to look for to determine if a credit repair company is right for you. Are they doing everything they can to help you fix your credit and increase your credit score? Or are they dragging out your process and results so they can bill you longer?

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