sâmbătă, 17 ianuarie 2015

Reiki Healing Has Proven Helpful To Many Around The World

By Beverly C. Ralph

Many people have learned to appreciate alternative medicine forms. Reiki healing is a practice that came from Japan where practitioners place a hand either on or above the one receiving the treatment. The goal is to help the person to heal themselves. In the States, it is part of an alternative and complementary medicine or CAM.

Depending on the practitioner some may ask for a form to be filled in about one's health but many forgo this as they are not in proper healthcare. One will however be asked to sign a consent form and will be asked if they will permit to being touched. If there are any special needs that need to be addressed for example not being able to lie flat or very sensitive to touch this will need to be conveyed.

The word comes from two words from the Japanese- "rei" means universal, while "ki" translates to energy of life. It can get traced to Mikao Usui and his teachings in the twentieth century. These included different healing practices and meditative techniques. One of his students gave less concern to the meditative side and concentrated more on the healing.

The Traditional Japanese is more of a lifestyle which is to bring one to the path of enlightenment. They focus more on the breathing techniques that help to direct the energy to certain points in the body and it is believed that one can feel the energy channelling immediately. Many describer this practise as a Zen proverb which is a practical and simple yet intense method.

Each session can last up to half an hour or even as long as ninety minutes with a minimum of four sessions. The hands are placed very lightly on or just above the person's body with the palms facing down. They will then use from twelve to fifteen different hand positions and each position will be held for up to five minutes. Once the practitioner feels that the tingling or heat sensation has gone or slowed he will move on to another point.

Sekhem was originally used for healing purposes in Ancient Egypt and the energy heals the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels focusing on the heart centre. Children's Reiki is taught at a young age as they still believe that their potential in unlimited. This is usually done when they are either seven or eight years old although it can be taught until they are over fifteen years old.

All training and licensing of Reiki practitioners must be done by an experienced teacher or even a Master. There are three levels and each degree will cover different empowerments or attunements. For the first and second degree it is given in classes that normal last for about eight to twelve hours over a period of two days.

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