duminică, 15 februarie 2015

The Process Of Manhattan Cremation Services

By Beryl Dalton

Cremation has always provided a fast and relatively cheaper method of resting your beloved one in peace. Many families are fast adopting this service which is considered cheaper. A typical process takes around 2 to 3 hours to complete. However the time between different people vary depending on the size of the deceased. The typical Manhattan cremation containers include cardboard trays, wood caskets or canvas body bags.

Only about 15 percent of cremation services use a casket meaning that they use a less expensive cardboard container or canvas body bag. The process involves the heating up the body and container at high temperature levels that reduce them to cremains. The cremains are just a technical term for the ashes. A normal adult will yield around 5 to 7 pounds of the cremains which are grey in color.

Various funeral homes and crematories in the Manhattan city are offering this service. Funeral homes may either do it themselves or engage the services of a crematory. Contrary to other beliefs, it is important to note that this process just replicates the exact same process which a buried body will undergo over time. A buried body will decompose over time and become ashes.

A memorial service can be conducted with all practices related to a traditional funeral undertaken. The deceased is later taken to the crematory instead of the cemetery. The service can also come after the burning up procedure whereby in many cases it takes the form of an ash scattering ceremony. However, it is also possible to undertake the process without including any services. This is called Direct Cremation and is considered to be the most economical option to take.

Considering direct cremation would be the most appropriate economical option. This method is the least expensive among all. It will facilitate the disposition of the deceased immediately without having to put them in the morgue for days. This will save you a considerable amount of fees which would have otherwise catered for the morgue charges.

The procedure for this is simple. The deceased is collected from the point of death and transferred to the location of funeral service. From here the body is prepared for the burning. There is no viewing, visitation or wake of the body which removes the need for embalming or any other body preparations. The necessary paperwork for death certificates and cremation permits are completed and the body is cremated. The remains are returned to the family at a later date, normally after 5 to 10 days.

Renting a casket would be a great consideration to make. Instead of purchasing one, it is better to hire one from a funeral home considering that the casket will be redundant after the service since it is not cremated with the deceased. An alternative container will be used as mentioned above.

If you are interested in saving money, then it is recommended that you look around at the various Manhattan funeral homes and crematories to see which one offers lower fees. You may also consider avoiding burying the cremated remains in a cemetery since other costs like cemetery fees, cost of headstone or a grave marker may accrue.

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