joi, 19 februarie 2015

When Looking For An Acupuncture Clinic Columbus Residents Should Consider These Points

By Olivia Cross

Acupuncture is an alternative approach to healing with its roots in Eastern medicine. Considered to be an effective technique to manage pain and promote recovery, the success of this treatment depends largely on the competency of the acupuncturist who performs it. When choosing an acupuncture clinic Columbus OH patients must be sure that the following important criteria are met if they are to have a positive experience.

Traditional Chinese Medicine makes it a priority to find and treat pain and illness at its source, rather than just attend to the symptoms. Acupuncture, which belongs to this discipline is no exception. The main objective of this therapy is to bring the body's vital energy levels back into a state of balance and eliminate any blockages which can cause discomfort or sickness. This is achieved by the strategic insertion of long, fine needles into the body.

Patients in search of an acupuncturist are more often than not looking to get healed of a particular disorder. There are many practitioners who practice covers a broad range of conditions, while others concentrate on the treatment of one specific illness or a related group of illnesses. This type of specialized care is typically a good fit for people whose primary goal is to be healed of that same disorder.

In the state of Ohio, a license is required for a practitioner to perform acupuncture. A license, issued by the state medical board, is only granted once an acupuncturist has met the minimum number of clinical and classroom hours, and they must also be certified with the NCCAOM, which regulates the practice of Oriental Medicine on a national level. One must ensure that the acupuncturist he or she chooses possesses these credentials.

Besides Traditional Chinese acupuncture, there are also other styles, which differ in technique and in their results. The Korean style primarily uses the hands as insertion sites, and the Japanese style uses a finer needle and shallow depth of penetration. While no one is considered superior, some are better suited for the treatment of certain problems than others. Ear and scalp acupuncture are used for helping patients to lose weight, stop smoking, or recover from nerve disorders respectively.

After meeting the patient in person at a consultation, and taking a health history from him or her, the acupuncturist will recommend how many treatment sessions are needed. This tends to vary greatly, as people heal at different rates from one another, and it also depends on which condition they have. Treatment usually involves at least one appointment each week. Chronic illnesses normally require less frequent sessions than acute ones.

Those who are interested in trying other forms of Chinese medicine besides acupuncture should look for an acupuncturist who can also provide these services. Some of them are also herbalists who can prescribe herbal health products for healing, or they may also practice food therapy and lifestyle counseling. Other forms of healing may include cupping and heat therapy, which are done to relieve pain.

In most cases, insurance does not cover this type of alternative therapy, yet one should still check this with their provider first since there can be exceptions. It can however, usually be reimbursed under many flexible spending and health savings plans if an official receipt is presented.

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