marți, 10 martie 2015

A Summarized Answer To Do We Have A Soul?

By Leslie Ball

The discussion about the existence of the soul is fueled by the need to understand its function in the body and where it is located. Early philosophers like Plato and Aristotle unsuccessfully tried to provide an answer. They could not agree on whether it continues to live or dies with the flesh. Today the question on, Do we have a soul or not, still lingers. The following paragraphs will provide an answer.

It is common to equate the soul with the mind. Both are not tangible but while one is more about intelligence, the other deals with conscience. Their interchangeable use arises from the fact that both are not physical and therefore are deductions from human existence. Metaphysics, biology and religion define the term differently.

During creation in Genesis, God is said to have breathe life into clay. Christians thus believe that this is what gives human beings their souls. It is equated to life and therefore perishes when a human being dies. This is the same form that will face judgment from God and be the beneficiary of eternal life.

Early philosophers differed on its fate upon death. Plato thought that it only resided in the body and left at death. Aristotle claimed that it died as well and thus denying it existence afterwards. Whichever direction one takes, it is clear that they agree on existence.

When the discussion shifts to animals having or not having souls, it becomes confusing. Some theories suggest that they also have feelings and think like human beings. The fact that their life cycles are similar to that of human beings is worth noting. While they are considered less intelligent, they also display an existence beyond the physical. Could this suggest that souls are not only reserved for human beings?

Biologists in trying to understand life and death dived into the debate about souls and spirits. Their entry point is what happens so that a person can be said to be dead. They consider souls as the third dimension beyond physical existence. While physical movement and existence can be explained as impulses from the brain, the initiating factor in this regard is what puzzles them.

While the debate ranges, questions about the ownership and fate of souls arise. Religions assign ownership to gods who also allocate the souls the responsibility over morality. They claim that souls are responsible for instructing the body into doing well, enjoying pleasure and feeling guilty. As such, they differentiate humanity from animals which confirms their existence.

Whichever point of view one buys, it is clear that human beings possess souls. It can be considered as the life or the nature of humanity and a defining factor considering that human beings are rational and inclined to do good. Its point of entry into and exit from the body are the differing factors. What is not in doubt is that human being have a third dimension that provide feelings and a considerate nature.

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