duminică, 29 martie 2015

Dangers Of Utilizing Water For Fracking

By Iva Cannon

Natural gas is considered to be one of the most useful natural substances on earth. It is highly utilized in the creation of gases that is used for cooking. It was also recently discovered that this can be a good substitute for coal in the manufacturing of electricity. Since it emits lesser harmful chemicals for the process, many industries are considering this as their main substitute.

There are still more functions for these natural gases that are yet to be discovered and studied. Many industries believed that it is a good thing to find and drill out natural gases to be used and studied. This would be okay provided that it is easy to drill it out. The problem is the fact that it is hard to accomplish. You will have to use water for fracking to achieve it.

There have been previous methods being used for the extraction of both oil and gas. But it was not as effective as when you use fracking. This is the term used to describe the usage of water to create cracks or fracture in some solid formations. This is used for the easy extraction of the gases trapped in those formations.

But most experts still debate the fact of its efficiency especially since it can pose a lot of threats to the environment and the health of the people. The first problem lies in the huge amount of water being used. The process makes use of fresh water. And according to statistics, it takes several thousands of gallons to make one process work. From this fact alone, you can say that it is very alarming.

Because of the huge amounts being used, this might off the balance of the ecosystem and can affect the living creatures in the area. You will not see the negative effect that it has the moment it is used. But this is also a process that it detrimental to humans since freshwater is also limited.

The liquid is used to make a certain substances. Chemicals and other substances are mixed with it to ensure that the process will guarantee an opening for the pipe to suck out the trapped gas. The chemicals being used are said to be very harmful as well. But there is a need for the industries to make use of this if they are to finish the process faster as well.

Heavy machinery is also used for the drilling procedure. And these machines are usually powered by diesel. The amount of diesel being used can also match that of water. The only difference between the two of them is the chemical gases being emitted by diesel when it is burned. All of these will contribute to the increase of the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

One of the other main concern for this process is the possibility of leaks. There are already reports indicating leaks and how harmful it can be. The gas being extracted is natural and highly poisonous as well. When it is leaked, there is a chance that it can mix with the water supply that is used by people for their daily chores and even for drinking.

According to the same industries making use of the procedure, they are trying to find ways on how they can reduce the risks. Alternative substances should be considered. No matter how useful natural gas is, the fact that it is very risky cannot be denied and should always be considered.

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