vineri, 4 septembrie 2015

Factors To Consider When Selling Patents To Companies

By Kenya England

A patent is a document that grants the inventor the right to ownership of a patent. Owning a patent does not make one rich. The best way to make money is to sell the patent to companies that use them. Deciding how to sell and who to sell it is a challenge for most people. It is usually a hard decision to make, especially when there are several companies involved. Consider the following factors when selling patents to companies.

First, analyze the market. There is a specific market for the product and you must analyze it to come up with information on how to sell. By analyzing, it will be possible to determine the amount of money you expect to make from the sale. Assess the strengths and weakness of the companies willing to buy. It is wise to sell to a firm that can fully utilize the product.

Make sure to advertise that the invention is on sale. Since it is a sale, it is important to put the product out there. There are several marketplaces to list the item for the public to see. Another way to sell is to approach manufacturers and distributors who deal with similar products. There are different ways of advertising the product; you just have to find the right one.

Another way to sell is to use an intermediary or a broker. Instead of selling it yourself, you can appoint a broker to help market it. Brokers are well placed to offer marketing services since this is their specialty. They have networks and contacts of people who have bought different items through them. If the broker is reliable, there is a high possibility that they it will sell in a shorter time.

Consider the level of experience. In every market place, there are new companies and old ones. Most of the old companies have gone through changes over the years so that they can adapt to the changing environment. Such companies have the ability to utilize the invention unlike the new companies. This is because they have the resources and labor to maximize on what they buy.

Consider the use of the patent. Some products are meant for certain useful purposes but people end up using them for their own selfish gains. Ask the buyer to state in what way they will use the patent. If it is not in line with your mission and vision for the product, then consider looking for another buyer.

Do research about the firm. There is need to know more about the history and how they used the previous inventions, they bought. With such information, it will be easy to know how your invention will be used. Through research, it will be easy to identify the firms that can utilize the patent.

The last thing to do is to execute the agreement. The buyer will offer cash or the agreed mode of payment, then the seller transfer the rights to the buyer. The article shows the steps followed when selling a patent.

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