vineri, 25 septembrie 2015

Issues That Surround The Youth Unemployment

By Della Monroe

Unemployment is an issue that can affect the growth of the economy. Fewer workers and more jobless people would cause a great uproar in a country. Before a serious and degrading thing would happen, its best if these problem would be remedied immediately. Its really easy to state solutions, but it would be hard to do it.

There are various reasons and causes for people to be jobless. The youth unemployment in south africa is a critical matter that can affect the industry. That is why, it would be better to remedied this kind of dilemma before it worsen. Before solutions will be made, you must first identify the problems or rather the reasons why unemployment has been a major crisis.

Salary expectations. The youngsters are a kind of people who are clueless on the process of industry. In most of their interviews, they usually answer a higher salary rather than sticking on a minimum pay. They tend to think of their capabilities as above and greater than the rest. As a result, they often rejected by the company they are applying for.

Enjoyment factor. The workplace is not an environment where the fun resides. Younger generation should not expect that a work is something that they can enjoy. Its commonly a place where people are really stressing with their work and usually people wear a serious face. That is the truth about work. Their expectations would not work at all times.

Pressure from the parents. We might relate to this kind of notion. Its true that most of our decisions are usually been in control with our parents. Sometimes, we cannot make decisions on our own and that is the sad truth about family life. Its advisable for parents to give their children the freedom to choose the things they want to do.

Bad attitude and habit. Youngsters often get the wrong idea. They tend to think that they are special in any ways. They always feel special and superior unlike with other people. However, the workplace would mostly require them to do their very best and to accomplish the best results. Thus, its better for them to become mindful about their behavior and actions.

Schools teaches lessons and not how to handle life in the industry. Our teachers might teach us various lessons in class, but sometimes its not useful. We cant use our lesson in subjects to be implemented in our work. Why just the school teach us things we need to learn. Would it be better if lessons would be helpful in a real life scenario.

Schedule. For the youngsters, time is a valuable resources. They think that they should not waste their time for the things like training. They often get bored and easily give up. As a result, they do not last long in a company.

The only solution we have to do is to hinder things from worsening. Therefore, its better for the government and its citizen to cooperate with each other. By doing so, no serious problem would occur and destroy our lives.

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