sâmbătă, 21 noiembrie 2015

Importance Of Florida Green Homes

By Marci Nielsen

The human activities account for a larger percentage of increased climatic change and global warming. The soonest people realize how their actions are interfering with the environmental standard and sustainability, the better. The shift to green building is a good move towards supporting global efforts on climate change. It entails preservation of most plants and natural resources at the construction site. The Florida green homes are an excellent move aimed ensuring the environment retains its natural nature.

The benefits of living in a green building are so many. The air quality is improved, and respiratory complications are eliminated. The air flow is stabilized ensuring the external and internal temperatures are same. Allergies that occur as result of instability of temperatures are eliminated. Eco-friendly paints are used to paint the modernized houses. The traditional home paints releases vapor that are carcinogenic when inhaled. Occupants are prone to contracting cancer and other tumor-related complications.

The green buildings are energy efficient. They are installed with eco-friendly sources of energy such as the solar and geothermal. According to the United State Department of energy findings, advocating for environmentally friendly energy plan will save twenty million dollars. The living spaces of such houses are healthy and comfortable. The experts working for the energy companies can provide necessary guidelines towards installation of these sources of energy.

Water conservation is a benefit occupants of modernized houses enjoy. The toilets are upgraded and efficient. They use less water per flush compared to those of traditional houses. In fact, the toilets of green buildings use exactly one gallon for each flush, while those of traditional homes use over five gallons for every flush. The modernized buildings are installed with systems for water harvesting during the rainy seasons, hence occupants pay low water bills. The clean water drainage systems are separated from the sewer and treatment plants.

Most of the materials used in the construction of green buildings are recycled products. This minimizes the amount of trash available for disposal. Some of these products are inorganic, and may stay underground for century, thus, interfering with the microbial activity of soil organism. Traditional buildings are supported using wooden material that require cutting down of trees.

The green buildings are environmentally friendly. The materials used are of good quality and durable. They are not prone to damage. The material cannot be attacked by termites, hence, maintenance cost is significantly reduced. The traditional homes require regular maintenance, which is expensive. The material are attacked by termites, thus, expensive preservatives are applied.

The green homes avails an excellent investment opportunity. Increased campaigns encouraging people to embrace the green plan has led to shift to these types of houses. Therefore, the value of such building will definitely increase in a few years to come. The investor will enjoy immense profits when the demand escalates.

Occupants of the upgraded homes can enjoy benefits of safe health. The number of diseases will significantly reduce. Living in a clean and comfortable environment increases productivity. The health standards of the whole state is likely to increase.

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