marți, 8 decembrie 2015

Can We Really Trust Someone Who Abuses Our Love?

By Evan Sanders

Most of us have been there.

We've been in a situation where our love is being abused, we feel horrible about ourselves and we know we should walk away from the person who is taking complete advantage of us but are finding it very hard to.

Although we've all been there and being in this place is the worst, we have to do the one thing that we never really want to do - walk away from the situation.

To be honest, there's an art to this. There's an art to leaving people who don't respect you or treat you like you matter.

How do you say goodbye to someone without losing yourself, burning bridges, or disrespecting the person across from you? Tough question. But if you lead from your heart and speak your truth you can hardly go wrong.

This can be very difficult to do however.

What's the true indicator that you need to walk away from people who don't respect you anymore?

Your heart. If you feel deeply in your heart that you have given everything that you have to offer, given the person across from you chance after chance and they still aren't willing to give back to you, walk away. Walk away as fast as you can because that person is going to continue to take advantage of you for as long as you are around.

When you know what you're worth, you won't put up with other people treating you badly.

Now I'm not saying that this process isn't painful - of course it is. But in the end you will be much happier in the long run.

If you don't walk away from toxic people, you will lose yourself in the end and have to deal with the regret of knowing that you had a chance to save yourself all of this heartache.

So have the courage to walk away.

The other art form in all of this is taking people back after they have come back into your life realizing just how much you are worth. This is a time to truly tap into your heart and see if what they are saying and doing really resonates with you. If it doesn't continue down your path and leave them behind. If it does, you might just have another chance at love.

However, always know what you are worth and be willing to stand your ground.

If you want a life full of love and brilliance you have to first treat yourself with respect. Without taking care of yourself you will never be able to attract the type of person into your life who respects themselves fully as well.

Live a life full of love and cherish the opportunities that come your way. Don't settle for anything less.

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