marți, 19 ianuarie 2016

Paint Me A Picture Of Luxury Homes In Belize

By Donald Russell

Wide gardens, high ceilings, crystal chandeliers, and pristine marble - these words pretty much paint a picture of a beautiful mansion where a wealthy family rides horses in the backyard. That may be a bit over the top, but it's not far from what comes to mind when thinking of luxury homes in Belize. In real estate discussion nowadays, however, are those factors even realistic anymore?

Cost, for example, is the prime factor. Of course, these don't come cheap. The price of a home before it's considered luxury again depends on location, but also several other aspects. Size is also another things most consider when looking into the luxury market. Bigger homes usually scream 'luxury!' more than a smaller home will.

While these are pretty reasonable factors to consider when looking into that market, it's best not to let these blindside you as a buyer. A home may be smaller in size but more luxurious in design and furnishings, effectively making it more luxurious than a house that's twice its size. This isn't uncommon, especially now that minimalist, space-saving themes are gaining popularity.

For those that aren't making millions of dollars annually but want to have a home that says otherwise, it's good to know that it doesn't necessarily need millions of dollars to make it happen. In fact, having a classy and elegant home - words that speak of luxury as well - is very affordable. It's not free, but it's not going to burn through hard-earned savings either.

First of all, always keep it clean. One of the words associated with luxury is comfort. Nobody is going to feel classy and comfortable if there's a layer of dust settled over the furniture or if the sheets smell like they've been on the bed for two weeks too long.

In terms of furniture, marble is what's usually associated with luxe. It's expensive, but it's not necessary to have every single piece made out of marble. Having accents is just enough to add that feeling of elegance to the average tabletop or lamp.

In terms of decor, artwork is the way to go. Duck into the local thrift shop and see if any local artists are selling their work. Chances are, those will be much cheaper than the big frames done by more famed artists. Maybe artistic friends will even agree to do contractual work - for a friendly price, hopefully.

Consider replicating a spa bathroom, just like the ones they have in hotels that luxurious. There's nothing more relaxing than taking a warm bubble bath after a long day, or feeling the strong shower jets from the walk-in shower. Have a dimmer setting on your lights, towel warmers, lavender-scented candles, and heated towel racks. It's a long-term investment that'll definitely be worth it.

Given these tips, it's easy to see that having a luxurious home isn't completely out of the question just because you're not a millionaire. Affordable items can also scream 'luxury' without burning a hole through the wallet. It all boils down to having a classy look and not necessarily how much it cost.

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