sâmbătă, 16 ianuarie 2016

With An Uncontested Divorce Georgia Couples Can Avoid Public Scrutiny

By Charles Anderson

It is a sign of the times that relationships simply do not last any more. There was a time when it was unthinkable that a couple would separate but in these modern times it has become a common occurrence. Nevertheless, if a break up is inevitable it is better to try and handle the issue in a dignified manner. With an uncontested divorce Georgia and even Marietta GA couples can maintain some form of dignity.

When hate, spite and meanness drive couples to court for a ruling when they separate they often do not fully appreciate the potential consequences. In the first place, this process can be hideously expensive. There are two lawyers involved and they charge a fortune for court appearances. In the second place, the matter is public and anyone has access to all the proceedings.

There are numerous issues involved when a couple separates. The entire process can be stressful, expensive and time consuming. It is certainly better to rather hire the services of a professional to mediate between the two parties. This is cheaper than paying for two lawyers and it is certainly in the interest of both parties to avoid a public spectacle.

Using a mediator saves both time and money. There is no need for each party to have a separate representative. Although there are many attorneys that specialize in this field, it is not even necessary to hire a legal expert. There are numerous counsellors that are registered to perform such services and they are normally much cheaper. It is better to hire a professional that is unknown to both parties.

Whilst mediation is seen as the best option for separating couples it can only be effective if both parties are reasonable. If their is a high level of animosity, aggression or an unwillingness to discuss matters rationally the process cannot work. In such cases the best option is to go to court, regardless of the cost. In such cases one of the parties were often the victims of severe abuse and violence.

Separating couples can save much money and time if they discuss major issues and reach some form of agreement on those issues before submitting to mediation. The mediator will then be able to simply review the informal agreements and concentrate on those issues that were not discussed or agreed upon. Major issues such as custody and maintenance are often agreed upon in private discussions between the two parties involved.

After the mediation process the mediator will compile a legal document detailing all the agreements achieved. This needs to be signed by both parties, two witnesses and the mediator. Thereafter it is submitted to the judge who will routinely turn it into a court order and grant a divorce at the same time. It is a private matter and is normally conducted in chambers.

Divorce is sad and there are always a lot of emotions involved, otherwise it would not occur in the first place. It almost always has a negative affect on many people around the couple involved. However, if it unavoidable the best route is to try and keep the matter out of court and to handle all the various issues in an adult manner. A mediator can do much in this regard.

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