Many of us understand that interest rates exist on credit cards, and have come to terms with this. Does this necessarily mean, though, that we have to pay as much interest as we do? According to Robert Jain, not to mention other finance authorities, this isn't necessarily the case. As a matter of fact, if you would like to know how to reduce your own rates, here are 3 of the best methods that you would be wise to carry out.
Reduced interest rates can be secured in a number of ways, such as reliable credit. As names the likes of Robert Jain can attest, those who are reliable consumers tend to pay lower rates than most. For example, if you are someone who not only makes monthly payments on time but covers more than the minimum, your bank might cut you a break with reduced rates. This isn't a certainty, but it's easy to imagine that it can't hurt your chances.
You should also make it a point to look around for the best deal, given the sheer amount of credit card options available. Not only will you find one with reasonable interest, but companies like Robert Jain Credit Suisse can tell you all about the perks they can offer to boot. After all, wouldn't someone who travels often prefer frequent-flyer miles? From a financial standpoint, shopping around for the best card makes sense.
Finally, if you feel like you are short on options, there's nothing wrong with contacting your bank with this request. Keep in mind that this doesn't always result in the outcome you want, though it doesn't hurt to give it a try. Before you pick up the phone, though, make sure that you use a polite, friendly tone. Believe it or not, the proper tone can make all the difference in the world when it comes to potentially reducing your interest rates.
If you were curious about bringing down interest rates, these are just a few ways in which such an endeavor can be carried out. Even though it might be somewhat taxing to do so at first, ultimately you'll start to see your rates become lighter on your bank account. As a result, you'll be able to save more money, which can be used for other purposes. Simply put, "interest" should not be viewed as a scary word.
Reduced interest rates can be secured in a number of ways, such as reliable credit. As names the likes of Robert Jain can attest, those who are reliable consumers tend to pay lower rates than most. For example, if you are someone who not only makes monthly payments on time but covers more than the minimum, your bank might cut you a break with reduced rates. This isn't a certainty, but it's easy to imagine that it can't hurt your chances.
You should also make it a point to look around for the best deal, given the sheer amount of credit card options available. Not only will you find one with reasonable interest, but companies like Robert Jain Credit Suisse can tell you all about the perks they can offer to boot. After all, wouldn't someone who travels often prefer frequent-flyer miles? From a financial standpoint, shopping around for the best card makes sense.
Finally, if you feel like you are short on options, there's nothing wrong with contacting your bank with this request. Keep in mind that this doesn't always result in the outcome you want, though it doesn't hurt to give it a try. Before you pick up the phone, though, make sure that you use a polite, friendly tone. Believe it or not, the proper tone can make all the difference in the world when it comes to potentially reducing your interest rates.
If you were curious about bringing down interest rates, these are just a few ways in which such an endeavor can be carried out. Even though it might be somewhat taxing to do so at first, ultimately you'll start to see your rates become lighter on your bank account. As a result, you'll be able to save more money, which can be used for other purposes. Simply put, "interest" should not be viewed as a scary word.
About the Author:
To learn about finance from Bob Jain, please consult Bob Jain Credit Suisse today.. This article, Robert Jain & 3 Tips For Reducing Interest Rates is available for free reprint.
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