vineri, 4 martie 2016

How A Norwalk CT Chiropractic Office Helps Relieve Whiplash

By Bertulda Zerna

The injury called whiplash is hard to identify and controversy may arise concerning its validity. Most often it is associated with the rapid jerking of the head that occurs in a car accident. It takes only a second to happen. However, it takes much longer to assess. A Norwalk CT Chiropractor can facilitate pain relief, but only after a full evaluation has been conducted.

The nerves, vertebrae, discs and muscle tissue can be damaged in a crash. The rear end collision is especially prone to producing whiplash. The damage can be compared to what a baby suffers as the result of shaken baby syndrome.

Your first office visit with the chiropractor will involve an exam, x-ray and questions asked about your medical history. The various painful symptoms will be discussed. You may have neck, back or shoulder pain, or all of these. In some cases, the lumbar spine will hurt.

The primary reason for the hurting might be muscle and ligament damage. Facet joint pain will not show up on x-ray. The chiropractor is able to identify it by palpating the shoulders and neck. The exam will assist the chiropractor in making a decision as to what kind of care should be used.

This care might be spinal adjustments or muscle relaxation along with a mild exercise regimen. The exercises are tailored to meet a clients individual requirements. The same routine is not applied to another client even if his or her symptoms appear to be the same. No type of care can be generalized as each client is unique.

The manual adjustments serve to move the injured joint back to the correct position. This relieves pressure on the nerves and alleviates the pain. It is applied as a slow movement or a short thrust depending on the clients condition.

Consider the fact that two clients experiencing the same level of pain may require different care plans. It depends on each ones age, health status and how severe the injury is. A different method may be appropriate for one, but not the other.

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