miercuri, 2 martie 2016

Top Qualities To Become A Counselor

By Harold Carter

If you plan to be one, you should have the following qualities to become one. Since this is a requirement because you will be with different types of people. You will be listening to their problems and help in finding a solution. Being with them, and giving them assurance are more than enough so they will be okay. And they believe that there is someone who cares for them.

If you love being with people, then you can be one. What is in your heart matters a lot and it could be seen the way you are with them. Just make sure that you will be able to lessen the problem and instead make it more complicated. Always remember that a Counselor needs a lot of hard work and can be stressful. But if you have all these qualities and you would always think of the good of others, it will not be hard. And learn to detach yourself from the situation after work and when you get home in Idaho Falls, ID.

You need to have the patience. Even if you would say you do not have it and not patient enough. Learn and apply it. It is needed in your job. Even how irritating the situation is, stay calm and control your temper. You do not to show it to them so they will not be afraid of you. Show what is right so they will follow.

Be a good listener. Especially when they will share you something. Stay focus and find a solution. To be able to tell them what to do. This is one way, that you will know them and especially the problems that they have. Your presence is more than enough. Be there and listen as they talk.

Practice compassion. This could be difficult but you should learn to put yourself to the situation they have. And see what happen. This way, you will be able to experience their own feelings. Everything that comes from your mouth matters a lot. Think of what is best for them and everyone and not for your own sake only.

Never judge. Whatever you hear and discover from that person, you have to understand. No need to give bad comments but reassuring words are needed. They have their reasons and you cannot say they are wrong or they are right. Your job is to be there with the, talk to them, listen but not to condemn them as a person. Because of what they did.

Do your own research and be resourceful. This is very important that you keep posted of the happenings around the world. And you just use the things you learn in the four corners of the room. The world is evolving so you have to keep up with the present times and get involved. To learn and be able to impart them to others who needs your help.

Show them some empathy. So they will not feel lonely. You can imagine yourself in the particular situation. Give them a hug. That matters a lot to them. One way to show to them that there is someone who really cares for them.

Whatever you hear and learn from that person must be keep to yourself. Never divulge anything. Respect them and do not lost their trust to you.

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