sâmbătă, 23 aprilie 2016

History Of Harley Davidson Motorcycles

By Dennis Ward

When it comes to these motorcycles, some would say there are Harley Davidson Motorcycles and there are sporting motorbikes. While there are festivals which focus on Harleys, most often all bikes are welcome. Two of these events are held in Sturgis, South Dakota and Piercy, California on an annual basis.

As only one of two brands to survive the Great Depression, the company has gone through several changes in ownership. Changes which have often led to poor economic and quality conditions over the course of history. After much time, the company rebounded financially, improved quality standards and became popular once again. As such, the brand still remains one of the world's most popular motorbikes.

There are several annual motorcycle festivals held each year, one of which is held in Sturgis, South Dakota, the other in Piercy, California. While there is a strong Harley presence, bikes of all types are generally welcome at these events. Loyalist, and others can now visit a museum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin that boasts over 450 different models, accessories and artifacts.

Movies like Easy Rider definitely help promote the brand and company in the late 1960s and early 70s. During these years, Harley Davidson shops would often host free bands and food to attract customers. A number of high school and first year college students often attended these events on a regular basis. As such, the movie created a storm of activity at these shops which included teenagers, young adults, middle aged folk and retirees.

The Davidson brothers and Mr. Harley all played a role in the development, build and marketing phase. Once a working model was complete, the boys provided the brand name and founded the company. A company that has now been making motorcycles and motorcycle accessories and parts since the early 1900s.

Over the next two years, Harley and his childhood friend Arthur Davidson dedicated a great deal of spare time working on these plans. Using a Milwaukee machine shop at the home of Henry Melk, the boys were able to design and build a bike according to Harley's specifications.

When first testing this power cycle, the boys found that it could not climb hills around town without pedals. While frustrated, the boys wrote off this first attempt as a learning experience. The boys never gave up and began working on a new and improved model almost immediately. Finally, after rebuilding the prototype at a shed in the Davidson's back yard, the boy's found success.

The first prototype was finished and ready to ride on September 8, 1904. Being the first motorized bike ever made, William and the Davidson brothers entered it into the Milwaukee State Fair. When Edward Hildebrand placed fourth, most were astonished. Then, after placing several ads a well known trade journal, the brand reached the popularity for which the brand is know today.

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