miercuri, 27 aprilie 2016

Invention Of The First Flagpole

By Linda Gates

The post was made of wood was like a boat's pole, which offered ascend to the neighborhood old stories that the shaft was built by shipwrights. It more likely remained between 60 to 70 feet tall. Shockingly wooden posts and the New England atmosphere are incongruent and 16 years after the banner's raising, it must be supplanted.

The second shaft was additionally of wood and was slated to comprise of three segments that altogether would rise 114 feet, or around 14 feet higher than the present-day post. This was regarded to be unreasonable and the shaft was lessened to its unique tallness. New England climate was additionally unkind to the second post and in 1905, it was struck by helping, seriously shattering the upper area and smoldering the banner that was flying at the time. The harmed area was supplanted, yet the lower part stayed unaltered, regardless of turning out to be seriously crumbled.

On Feb. 28, 1912, a heavy wind arose at 2 a.m. and the flagpole snapped off about 15 feet above the base. The stump of the pole remained for two years, until the Men's Literary and Social Club of Newtown Street, in a burst of public service, arranged to raise its replacement in time for the July 4, 1914, celebration The new pole was still wooden, but now rose 100 feet high in two sections. It also proved controversial.

The third flagpole endured a comparative destiny as its two forerunners. By late 1949, the lower segment of the upper pole was miserably spoiled. Supplanting this segment demonstrated excessively unreasonable in light of the fact that the base segment was not fit as a fiddle. At this point, the flagpole had turned into a milestone.

On Jan. 20, 1950, the old shaft was uprooted and a couple feet south, a substantial gap - 7-feet wide and 12-feet profound - was burrowed through the asphalt. Into this gap was put a 21 vast excited steel chamber. Cement was then poured around the barrel to hold it solidly set up. The new 16 vast, 100-feet-tall flagpole was then brought down and the hole between the post and the bolster chamber was loaded with sand to encourage its evacuation if there should arise an occurrence of future repairs.

This latest flagpole has stood for the past 60 years withstanding weather and traffic accidents. It even survived a fatal automobile crash in 1979 when an inebriated driver struck it going 55 mph on Main Street. The flagpole sustained a dent. This is the story of the first flagpole made and its evolution for years. Today, there is another one with a different ending. The Flag Company Inc specialized in flags and flagpole designs offered a special edition of flagpoles to memorize the history of flagpole invention for the future.

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