duminică, 3 aprilie 2016

The Many Services Of A Coupon Clearing House

By Walter Wilson

When introducing a new product onto the market, all companies need to generate interest and get people to buy the product. This is not an easy task, so many tempt consumers with the promise of a discount in the form of a coupon. When a new coupon is generated, there is much more to redeeming it than simply scanning it at the register. A coupon clearing house helps the retailers and manufacturers alike make the act of distributing and redeeming coupons much easier.

Stores gladly accept coupons because they know it makes customers happy, and make them more likely to keep shopping at that location. They take the temporary loss, but then send in the coupons to be counted to a clearing house. This is much easier on both the manufacturers who issued it and the stores, since the clearing house does all the accounting work in one place.

Once they reach the clearinghouse, that business then goes through the task of sorting and counting all of them. They invoice each one and then add up the total of all of them. That is the amount owed. This is so much simpler than having to hire a special couponing staff who will separate and add these up. It is time saving as well, which is a big deal in the business world.

The amount on the invoice is then paid to the store, who recoups their temporary loss. They get the face value of the coupons, plus a handling fee for each one as well. This handling fee is meant to offset the cost of postage to the clearing house and any other costs incurred.

In addition to these services, the clearinghouse also works with the companies who printed the coupons in the first place. One of the most valuable services is data reports. These reports allow a business to see how many redemptions there have been, and how that affects overall sales. This lets a company see whether giving the discount is cost effective or not.

The clearing houses keep statistics about each store and how many coupons they send in to get payment back. Audits can be conducted on these statistics to see if there are any unusual patterns. These patterns could be a sign of fraud, which makes it easier to detect when something is going wrong. This protects all parties and helps make sure that nobody is doing anything wrong.

They can even help to ensure that digital coupons are working and being redeemed properly. These are usually bar codes or letter and number codes that are generated for paperless couponing. This is very nice for retailers, consumers and manufacturers alike since there is no cost in paper or ink.

In addition, a clearing house can look for fakes that some criminals make. They will take a real, scanning bar code and alter it so that it brings up a larger discount. This costs millions a year, but can be avoided with the services provided by a clearinghouse. Employees look at the actual physical piece of paper and look for unusual things that meant a fake. They then alert retailers so they can stop taking the coupons and stop the coupon fraud in its tracks.

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