marți, 10 mai 2016

Trusting A Portland OR Natural Healer

By Roger Gray

All things natural may not work for all people who are suffering from illness, but then neither do all medical procedures. It makes sense to try natural means of regaining health and well-being before trying an invasive medical solution, since alternative methods invariably have fewer side effects. Antibiotics, pharmaceutical drugs, and surgery are the main tools of medical doctors. A Portland OR natural healer will have other resources.

There is always time to check out the options. There is no statistical foundation for the belief that drastic measures must be taken at once. Trying a dietary, herbal, homeopathic, or ancient healing protocol like acupuncture can mean a easier, risk-free path to health. Check with the phone book or online directory to find alternative practitioners and clinics in the Portland OR area.

Acupuncture can relieve pain and increase circulation, and there are no side effects. Herbs may help serious conditions like Lyme's and cancer that are routinely treated with heavy doses of chemicals and /or antibiotics. Homeopathy is a time-honored form of therapy that is regulated by the FDA and proven safe. Kinesiology, or muscle testing to discover allergic response, has helped many to triumph over chronic conditions.

The maxim to 'do no harm' is followed by trained alternative practitioners. They do not want to sacrifice total health in order to alleviate symptoms of illness. Especially in the area of mental health, natural methods can be very effective without risk of addiction or of triggering destructive impulses.

The flower remedies are great for emotional imbalances in adults or children. These are harmless remedies to help everything from mild anxiety to deep depression. The 'wrong' remedy will not have any effect, while the 'right' one can seem miraculous. This branch of homeopathy works on the emotional level and, like the rest of this science, is regulated by the FDA.

Another way to address mental and emotional issues, as well as physical ones, is with isolated amino acids. This therapeutic approach is fascinating to read about, and many clinical studies attest to its effectiveness. This therapy can be used by anyone, but for best results a trained practitioner should be consulted. There can be drug interactions is amino acids are used along with conventional mind-altering medication.

Vitamins and minerals are often used in conjunction with other therapies by practitioners. Magnesium can help with irregular heart beat, insomnia, constipation, and leg cramps. Vitamin C can shorten colds and virus infections, be an effective and mild diuretic, help protect vision, and strengthen blood vessels and connective tissue. These claims are backed by many studies.

Natural healers often use many approaches in client care. In fact, you can find clinics headed by medical doctors with herbalists, massage therapists, acupuncturists, and homeopaths on staff. The tried-for-centuries methods of regaining health hold promise to all who suffer illness or disorders. See if you can find safe relief in an aromatic essential oil, a program of diet and exercise, an herbal extract, or the skills of an acupuncturist before going a dangerous medical route or giving up hope.

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