marți, 24 mai 2016

Understanding The Concept Of Self Realization

By Sandra Bailey

Many people across the world want to discover themselves. Although there is a desire to discover the outside world of technology, inventions and wild animals, people desire to know themselves. This is because upon knowing what one is made of, the life lived thereafter will be stress free and joyous. Here now is a detailed described of what people regard as self realization to help you know how to start realizing yourself.

For many people, there is need to attain a level of accomplishing set objectives. This brings in total fulfillment and great joy accompanies such a feeling. This is the genesis of realizing self. The set objectives are not just the simple or mediocre types, but it is the accomplishment which defines who the person is.

Realizing self helps answer the questions like who am I and why do I exist. For those who have hit such level of accomplishments they are sure of impacting in a great way in their family and people around them. This helps set the difference between the person who have achieved and the next person who has not. This means the achiever is set apart and the community will highly regard the person as an achiever.

This mark of achievement is a redefining moment to the individual who gets it. This involves having an isolated kind of thinking and decision making. Unlike a normal individual who will make a decision based on their attachment with their culture or economics of the day, the one who have realized who he or she is will make independent decisions.

Different people have remained confused about what it actually means to be fulfilled and accomplish great things. While some may attempt to attach the definition with dressing in a certain way, it is just not that complicated. Simply it involves knowing of the servant hood to a Supreme deity who is a good friend.

To shed more complications which people bring in the process of achieving the fulfillment, experts have highlighted the sincerity of heart as a great factor. This means the desire to have the fulfillment in a sincere manner will drive the individual to such great heights of knowing self. This means it is not about the places one needs to go to realize self but the honesty.

Professionals who study this kind of success have listed practices involved in this fulfillment. This includes Karma yoga, Bhakti yoga, Raja and Jnana yoga. This level of attainment is highly appreciated as only few people attain this level. In life, it is considered the highest level of success with only few people attaining it among billions of people.

To realize self, an individual does not have to be old. At any age an individual can realize who they are in life. Researchers in this field have concluded that this kind of level in life is reached when one decides to separate truth from falsehood. It also means remaining committed to the whole process in sincerity.

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