sâmbătă, 23 iulie 2016

Importance Of Trailer Parks Williston ND

By Paul Kennedy

Trailer parks are mobile homes. They can either be permanent or semi-permanent. The houses are cheap to rent and they are appropriate for people who keep on moving or migrating from one area to another. At times, they are viewed as houses of low income earners, which are not the case. The occupants of these kinds of house are seen as people who live below poverty line. In addition to that, it is said that people who live within Trailer parks Williston ND live deleterious life.

Normally, the trailer parks are used to help people who are in need of immediate housing facilities. For example, people who are displaced from their homes are mainly provided with these kinds of houses for their betterment. Despite the fact that these kinds of homes are found in almost every part of America including the city of Williston ND, they are usually associated with people living in rural areas.

Sometimes back, when financial crises affected America, some of residents were unable to pay rents and debts. This left people homeless and the only option that remained was to commence living in manufactured homes. Despite the fact that these houses were in great demand that time, their process never changed much. They chose to live in mobile homes because they were cheap and paying rent was not a problem.

There are individuals within America who own companies that manufacture mobile homes. Huge profits are realized and actually some of them are richest people in country. This crystal clearly shows that their demand is still high. Charles Becker, who is a professor of economics in Duke University, disagrees with people who argue that people who live in mobile homes are poor. He thinks and says that some of the people living in mobile homes are not poor but they live there by their will.

Around 6.4% of homes in America are composed of manufactured houses. This information was captured in 2011 when census was conducted. In other words, 8.5 million houses in United States are manufactured ones. In addition to that, as per the census, it was realized that 57% of head of families living in manufactured homes are employed permanently. This crystal clearly shows that manufactured homes are not occupied by only poor people of society. Retired individuals living in these houses form a bout twenty three percent.

Indeed, what is normally said is partly not true. Wrong information has been said regarding their condition. The condition of houses in interior is very attracting. There is enough space and no congested as many people think. Most of them have more than two bedrooms. There is a bathroom and a kitchen too. This means that manufactured houses provide what is required for a house to be called a home.

At times, media has really influenced image of these types of housing, where they are seen as points where criminal activities are conducted. This is actually not always the case. Criminals are criminal and they may decide to plan their evil deeds from any kind of building. Other insulting terms such as trailer trash have impacted the image of these kinds of building negatively.

It has also been realized that these kinds of houses are of great benefit to environment. The truth is that other modern ones, lead to a lot of pollution especially during construction. This is owing to that fact that so many materials are used during construction. However, for the mobile ones, simple materials are used thus causing less pollution.

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