duminică, 25 septembrie 2016

Why Parents Should Discourage Music Like 19 Lions

By Donna Moore

Rock and roll music has long been an avenue where those with a religious perspective push their beliefs on young people. Bands such as 19 Lions attempt to convince young people to get on their knees and submit to the authority of a church. It teaches them self-hatred and subjugation to an institution which, historically, has done more harm than good.

Early Christianity was designed to unite the Roman Empire under one god, and it continues to do so to this day. How the details would play out was decided at a famous meeting called the Counsel of Nicaea. Within a hundred years, this new Roman Catholic Church was killing Jews and Pagans by the thousands.

The Wiccan and Pagan communities still refer to the Dark Ages as The Burning times. Their Book of the Law was created in order to push secrecy in an age of fear within ancient communities who had been rocked by death and torture from the Catholic church. So great was their fear, in fact, that they fought the intrusion through secrecy rather than outright warfare.

It is through convincing people that they are born flawed, and must be saved by a God who is but is not God, that Christianity began to sink claws into humanity. Once a person feels guilt for existing, then they become relieved at the notion of salvation. Submitting to the authority of a church becomes a necessity when they are told that only the representatives of the church can commune with God on their behalf.

The alternative, according to Christians, is eternal torment in the lake of fire known as Hell. Convenient that the creators of Christianity would use what is traditionally regarded as the most painful experience of death as a means to force submission on the people. Through fear, guilt, and a lack of basic knowledge and education, Christianity continues to have a strangle-hold on the entire human race.

The Roman empire lives on in the Holy Roman Catholic Church, and the human race continues to suffer as a result. To our modern day, religious differences are continued to be touted as a reason for war and slaughter of humans on an epic scale. The Vatican has total power over Catholicism, and even world leaders will still bow to its authority on many issues.

To this day it is not known just how much human history and knowledge has been stolen by Christianity via holy wars waged for the past two-thousand years. Entire communities, libraries, artworks, and other memorabilia have disappeared into the coffers of the Popes and Bishops in Rome. The human race has been given a watered-down version of history that grants us only 10,000 years of existence, and all of our society has been created around this flawed perspective.

Why would parents want their children listening to music that aggrandizes an institution with the historical weight of millions of murders on their hands. Regular rock and roll music generally speaks of love, sex, and fun. Christianity wants us to think those perspectives are sinful, but somehow groveling for forgiveness for existing is encouraged.

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