sâmbătă, 24 septembrie 2016

Why You Should Hire A Digital Marketing Agency In Phoenix

By Irvin Masterson

During the advent of social media, there are many who considered it a passing fad. It was something that kids were using and businesses could have never imagined that it would turn out to be one of the most powerful advertising tools. Today on the other hand, there are more than 3 billion internet users making it necessary for businesses to think of hiring an SEO agency in Phoenix.

Imagine a platform that offers you free access to reaching your customers. If you were to make calls to all your clients, you would probably use all your profits on that. Moreover, with slightly over 2 billion social media accounts, you have more than enough reasons to consider having an online presence. With low costs, it means a small business can compete for customers on the same platform with the multi-nationals.

To begin with, social media often generates a huge amount of data regarding your customers. What is more is that you will always get this information in real time. This means that your business has the opportunity to change with the ever-dynamic market needs. You will be in constant touch with your business environment, allowing you to customize your products and/or services to meet those needs.

According to research, Twitter gets more than 500 million Tweets each day. Imagine what this could mean to your business. Each day, your business has a potential 500 million customers it can reach. Reaching those customers on the other hand, is not something that should be taken lightly. This is a project that requires a team of experts with different backgrounds on the online medium.

Statistics show that there are more than 4.5 billion likes on Facebook. Imagine the number of customers you can reach each day. The more people you have liking your business means that your products and services are getting a wider market exposure. Another thing with data generated from social media is that it helps you know who your customers are and where they are. This is very important for any serious business.

That notwithstanding, it takes a lot of experience for one to be able to set up social media accounts for a business. It not only calls for posting of fresh and relevant information about the brand, it also calls for analyzing the data from the customers. Social media experts can analyze the data to inform what the figures mean for your business and what you need to do.

This is one of the reasons why social media advertising is best left to the experts. While most people would prefer to do this by themselves, this is not something you can do alongside managing the business. It takes a considerable amount of time to keep your online audience engaged, leave alone doing analytics. A digital marketing firm has people in each of those departments.

From the foregoing, it is evident that social media offers businesses and companies unimaginable benefits. For them to reap those benefits however, it is key to engage an experienced digital marketing agency. Such a company will have all the necessary resources to ensure that your campaign is successful.

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