sâmbătă, 12 noiembrie 2016

Advantages Of Network Bandwidth Monitoring In Companies

By Stephen Thomas

Without a doubt, technology is always at the forefront of running operations in most business enterprises. With vast communication needs, all systems ought to be up and running at all times. However, this is hardly the case when dealing with networks that have many users. The strain on resources such as servers can be humongous. As such, there is need for network bandwidth monitoring.

Keeping track of bandwidth is crucial for the smooth running of networks. While large companies have IT personnel working in large operations centers, others are limited in their capacity to set up such departments. Monitoring need not be done through a resource intensive network operations center. These days, there are many software applications that offer great service. This means you can avoid incurring expenses hiring extra IT personnel and instead focus on the core aspects of your business.

The most admirable thing in modern technology is the fact that usage is virtually free most of the time. Software developers usually upload useful programs online for all to download at no cost. The only effort on your part would be to ensure your current team members understand the data displayed on such software and take corrective steps when required.

There are several benefits of maintaining close watch over your bandwidth. For starters, it is an inexpensive way to isolate the main activities that consume lots of data in your company. Most traffic analysis applications have the ability to identify machines and ports that pass heavy data. With such crucial information readily available, it should be easy to establish whether or not to do away with such traffic. Depending on how competent your IT personnel are, unnecessary traffic can be blocked from being accessed by users.

In addition, a network will always be secure when there is a strong desire to monitor it. If you notice a great deal of traffic go through a specific port for instance, you should investigate the possibility of a current cyber attack. You should therefore take preventive measures to safeguard company data.

Modern applications allow users to tell the exact amount of traffic passing through ports. To make work easier, ports are categorized depending on the type of data that passes through them. Data can be voice, text or video related. Video data is known to be the biggest consumer of resources.

Observation is also crucial when providing verification to service providers. Service providers always ask for verification of resource usage when billing their clients. This information can only be generated through frequent checks on traffic. With such information at hand, service providers can also pinpoint hidden issues and offer you better services. Most importantly, your operational costs are bound to drop significantly.

If your company has no active traffic analysis plan, you might want to implement one soon. Your systems are guaranteed to suffer less downtime, leading to more productivity from employees. With time, your growth objectives will be met with ease.

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