marți, 17 ianuarie 2017

Making Farm Loans Work For You Today

By Sandra Hill

One of the hardest things to do is make a living doing what you love. Most farmers love the life they live and want nothing more than to continue working on the land their whole lives. It is a hard life however, and one that is sometimes difficult to do successfully. A lot of times farm loans become necessary to continue the work and lifestyles farmers love.

Some farmers lease the land they work every year and have no interest in owning acreage. Others have owned their farms for generations. Land is an important asset to them, and if they have to borrow money after a poor crop year, the acreage provides them with the collateral needed. Most prefer to avoid borrowing against their land however.

For those who want to get into the farming business, but do not have the land or equipment necessary to start, a lender may be able to help. There is money available for these individuals if they can convince the financial institution they have a good plan and are realistic about what they want to do. Starting a farming operation is expensive and usually takes time before it begins to show a profit. Most lenders are aware of this and factor it into the decisions they make.

A lot of times farmers, like other businessmen, need capital to expand. In this case, they can go to an institution and apply for an operation loan to assist them with the day to day operation of the business. They may be able to qualify for up to one million or more dollars to get the money they need to expand their business. For those who do not qualify for private funding, there are often loans of up to three hundred thousands dollars available.

Row crop farmers who do not use community storage facilities can get money to build or buy silos and other types of units where crops can be stored until they go to market. There are certain kinds of crops that are approved for these loans. Those crops include hay, vegetables and fruit, wheat, soybeans, and corn. A farmer can get up to half a million dollars for this type of improvement.

Many farmers employ individuals from other countries to work in their fields. These migrant workers are not citizens and are only granted temporary visas to come into the country. Farmers who use these workers must comply with all government regulations regarding their employment and housing. There is money available for the farming business to improve the living conditions they offer the temporary workers.

For those who have commercial fisheries, there are loans available that provide for the purchase or repair of fishing boats. The federal government recognizes this business as one that is difficult but necessary. There are strict environmental guidelines that must be met however.

Many times people put food on the table without realizing what it took to get it there, but no one should underestimate the importance of farming businesses. The more successful farmers are, the healthier the economy and the nation is.

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