joi, 20 aprilie 2017

Choosing Licensed Pomeranian Breeders Ensures Best Results

By John Miller

Choosing to bring a new puppy into one's life is a huge decision which involves a lot of responsibility and should never be taken lightly or done on impulse. It is important to know as much about the desired breed as possible to make sure that its size, grooming needs, health concerns, and general behaviors, are suitable for one's living situation and lifestyle. In Oklahoma City, OK it is recommended to stick with licensed Pomeranian breeders - or one specific to other breeds - for the most desirable results.

Pet stores have kennels loaded with energetic little fur balls, and there are literally hundreds of individuals advertising the sale of purebred pups. Unfortunately, the majority of these dogs are products of the ill practice of puppy farms, or are not actually of pure bloodlines. In both types of breeding, profit is the primary focus and the animals are often treated badly and are born with genetic defects due to inbreeding.

There are so many reasons prospective new pet owners should avoid using an unlicensed breeder and be wary of animals being sold in shops or markets. Not only do these options increase the chances that one will make a sizable investment only to end up with a pup that is not healthy or not what they expected, but it also encourages the continued practice of such inhumane breeding. If looking for a purebred dog, take the time to look for a responsible source.

Before entering into any type of contract, there are some factors an individual would be wise to verify about the breeder. Although time consuming and a little extra work, doing research on suppliers is worth it for investment protection and puppy health.

The first thing to consider is the credentials of the breeder. Breed associations and kennel clubs are quite particular about those they will endorse and have the strictest of standards. Searches can begin with these groups and anyone who has not passed the requirements put forth by such entities would probably not be a reliable source.

The next would be their history. This involves various factors such as how long they have been operating, customer relations, health records of their dogs, and paperwork verifying the bloodlines. It is wise to read both positive and negative reviews from previous clients and to contact a few of them directly if possible, in order to get a more realistic view of said supplier.

The housing conditions of both pups and adults is another primary consideration. It is important that the animals be able to move about and play freely, sleep in a clean space, eat nutritiously, and that a female not be over-bred. One can get the best impression by physically paying a visit to the facility to watch and interact with the dogs.

Above all, one should greatly consider how genuinely concerned the breeder is for the welfare of the pups, as well as how eager they are to provide advice. A dedicated supplier will insist on client interviews to make sure the buyer is educated and able to give the puppy a lifetime of care and love. Vet records, health guarantees, and certification of bloodlines, will all be offered up as part of the process.

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