marți, 4 aprilie 2017

Discover How To Safely Install A Flat Screen Television With A Philadelphia PA Electrician

By Allan Iacovelli

Wall mounted flat screen televisions are awesome. They don't take up any space and they can be installed at a more ergonomically correct height easily (The center of the screen should be at about eye level, which can sometimes be hard to achieve with a typical stand, regardless of the size of the TV).

Installing a wall-mounted flat screen is guaranteed to be a challenge and when problems occur, these could cause injuries and damages to your costly entertainment equipment. If your TV isn't secure, there is always the risk of having this fall and injure adults or even kill pets or toddlers.

Televisions that are stands can fall without warning and this is all the more true with narrow stands so you may want to think about adding in a few additional anchors to secure this to local furnishings or the wall, especially if your local area is categorized as an earthquake zone.

When there are small children in the abode, televisions should definitely anchored given that the average flat screen is light enough for even a small child to pull it over. This is also true if you have a cat - cats have a tendency to knock items like these overall all the time.

When you mount your television this should be done with in accordance with the instructions and with a compatible wall mount. It is always safest to wall mount TVs when there are children, but this must be done right. Find out what kind of wall you will be mounting the TV on - your mount might not be compatible with a cinder block wall or with your ceiling if its has steel studs.

Never try to mount a television on your own. Also, put your TV somewhere with good ventilation and do not put it above a fireplace - this will result in your TV overheating and shorten its life. And, for your own comfort, check that the location you are selecting does not receive direct sunlight, as this can cause unpleasant screen glare.

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